New People

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Thursday December 17th 4:49PM

I found myself driving across the Mexican border. Why did I decide to go to Mexico? Who knows. I came to a fork in the road. All my life I chose to go right. Whatever seemed right was the direction I went with. Justin seemed like a good, level-headed guy, so I went with him. NYU seemed like a good college for me to go to, so that's where I went. I quit my job because Justin wanted me to be home more and focus less on my paintings so that's what I did. Being nice and not saying everything I thought seemed like the adult thing to do, so that's what I did. What did doing the right thing get me? A cheating boyfriend, a backstabbing sister, no job, and no new paintings.

So, for the first time in my life, I took a left turn. Now I was crossing the Mexican border in my 2017 red Jeep Wrangler. All I had was my debit card, my car, an empty suitcase, and a tank full of gas. No clothes, no cash, and no reservations. Was this crazy? Was I crazy?

I checked Trip Advisor for rooms and found a pretty nice B&B for sixty dollars a night. That wasn't bad at all. The B&B had free Wi-Fi, a pool, and it wasn't too far from the beach. What more could I ask for?

I needed to get away from my real life for a little while. It was all becoming too much. Cici was living out the life I had always planned for myself with the man I planned it with. She's getting the apartment, the ring, the marriage, and the baby. She was getting everything I worked six years for. And the crazy part was that I wasn't crying because I lost Justin, I was crying because of the lost time. I could have done things a lot differently. Maybe I passed up my soulmate trying to be faithful and keep Justin happy.

I parked in front of the B&B, grabbed my bags, and walked through the lobby. There wasn't a person in sight. The lobby was colored blue with seashells and pretty Mexican flowers everywhere. It smelled like the ocean, one of my favorite scents. Taking my shades off, I walked over to the front desk and rang the bell. A few seconds later a tall man with beautiful black hair walked to the front desk. His hair was thick and full. He had a huge smile plastered across his face. He was wearing a peach-colored shirt with the name of the hotel in blue letters printed on the right-hand side of it.  His skin was copper-colored and shined under the hotel lights. He had full, pretty lips. As he ran his tongue over his bottom lip it glistened. He was very handsome.

His name tag said Samuel, but he didn't look like a Samuel to me.

"Hola," he smiled.

When our eyes met, I felt like no one else existed. He was absolutely beautiful. There was a dimple in his left cheek and a very small mole under his right eye. We both stared at each other for a few seconds before looking away. He probably thought I was strange. I'd think the same.

"Uh, Hola. Mi español no es bueno."

"Ahh. Good thing I speak English. How can I help you?"

"I booked a room a little while ago. My name is Samantha Aldridge."

"Okay. Did you receive a confirmation email?"


I put my purse on the counter and rummaged through it. I could never find anything in my purse when I needed to. Curse this big purse. It was one of those deep purses with two sides and a middle part that zipped up. I could fit just about anything in there. I couldn't tell you how many times I've hidden snacks in there. I felt Samuel's eyes on me. The heat in my face started to rise, but at last, I found my phone.

I quickly pulled up the email and he confirmed my purchase.

"Here's your key."

He slid me a card with the number 405 printed on it.

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