···Chapter Two···

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Chapter Two

    I walked to my locker and opened it quickly, setting my bag on the hooks and taking out the stuff I would need for the rest of the day.

    I moved over slightly as the occupant of the neighboring locker started to put in his combination, it was Peter Parker, or as Tony first announced him to me as 'Underoos' a.k.a. Spider-man, he doesn't know that I know that he's Spider-man, and I don't think he knows that I was there during the fight (I mean I have a pretty kick ass super suit that comes with a mask, not one that covers my whole face or anything... just one that looks like the Lone Rangers... or Robin's).


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    Yeah, I was there for the whole Accords thing

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    Yeah, I was there for the whole Accords thing... I fought the fight against half of the Avengers and Scott Lang, otherwise known as Ant Man. I don't have any trace of the Hulk in me, alright, so I didn't Hulk out on anyone (when Tony found out about me not being able to turn into a green rage monster, he was a little depressed to say the least).

    What are my powers, you may ask? Well, I am telepathic and telekinetic, I can control objects with my mind and see into other peoples minds. I am also an empath, which allows me to sense other people's emotions, and also influence them to change... Like when my dad and I were in Calcutta I constantly kept him calm so he wouldn't Hulk out (think of it as mood control).

    Tony made me sign due to him being my current 'legal guardian' even though I knew that it wasn't the right thing, and like Natasha, I ended up Helping Steve's team in the end. Which didn't land me in a jail cell, house arrest, or hiding in Wakanda... Tony pulled some strings for me, and by that I mean he lied to the government and told them that I did nothing wrong.

    I do feel bad for what happened after the whole fight that split the Avengers like Yoko Ono split up the Beatles, and I miss everyone all together the tower...

    I still talk with Natasha every other day, and she gives me updates on Steve and Falcon; Clint and I are Facebook friends, so we are constantly in contact, even though it's mainly me complaining about Tony and him sending me meme's and dad jokes; I occasionally talk to Wanda, but that's just when Vision goes to see her, I have him take one of Tony's phones so I can text and call them whilst they are together (I would go, but Tony would get a little suspicious if his 'legal responsibility' and his android, mindstone carrying, friend went away for weeks); and T'Challa gives me updates on how Bucky is doing, well... mainly his sister, Shuri's, work on him, I try to help her out as much as I can by suggesting things, hopefully what she does works... I didn't really know Bucky, but he's Steve's best friend and I think Steve deserves a little good in his life right now, and if that means helping the princess of Wakanda figure out how to 'Fix this broken white boy' (Shuri's words not mine) then I will do the best I can.

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