···Chapter Seven···

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    I walked into the penthouse with MJ following behind me.

    "Hello, (Y/n), MJ, how was school?" F.R.I.D.A.Y. asked as we walked into the kitchen.

    I opened the fridge and took out two waterbottles, tossing one to MJ. "It was alright, F.R.I.D.A.Y." I said with a shrug.

    "Yeah, we got invited to a Party tonight," MJ said taking a drink of her water.

    "Sounds fun." F.R.I.D.A.Y. said. "I trust you are going to go?"

    "Yeah," I said leaning against the counter. "F.R.I.D.A.Y. do you think you could get a hold of Happy and ask him if he could give us a ride? I would have asked him after school but we walked to MJ's so she could get some clothes." I explained.

    "Yes," she said. "Oh, Ms. Potts has to work late so she probably won't be here when you guys leave for your party, and Mr. Stark says not to trash the house."

    "I gotta call him." I said taking my phone out of my pocket. "MJ, make yourself at home," I said as we walked out of the kitchen.

    "Way ahead of you," she said taking her shoes off and flopping down on the couch and grabbing the remote.

    I rolled my eyes and chuckled as I walked up the stairs to my bedroom. I dialed Tony's number.

"Tony here, too busy to come to the phone right now... Or i just don't want to talk to you, you decide. I will call you back if I deem it necessary based off of the message you leave, but you do realize it is easier to text right?' then it beeped.

    I sighed. "Really, Tony? You tell me to call you after school, yet you don't answer?" I sat down on the edge of my bed. "Why am I surprised? You do this all the time." I said laying down on the bed. "MJ's here, so we're probably just gonna watch movies all day. Call me back later, okay?" I hung up and closed my eyes.

    How am I supposed to hide my suit? Well... I could just wear like a sweatshirt to cover the top, and a pair of loose jeans to hide the pants and cover the boots. I'll just be exceptionally tall due to the boots.

    I sighed and got off the bed walking down the stairs to join MJ before the party.

····Time Skip to Liz's Party····

   "Just call me when you guys are ready to leave," Happy said as he pulled up to Liz's house.

    "Okay, Happy," I said as MJ opened the door and got out. "Please don't tell Tony about this..." I said looking at him.

    "My lips are sealed." Happy said with a smile. "Have fun, Kid."

    I nodded and got out of the car, closing the door and walking up to the house with MJ. She looked at me and I nodded slightly, she opened the door and we walked in. There were kids everywhere and the music was loud.

    "So much for a few people." I muttered leaning towards MJ, she nodded as Liz walked up to us.

    "Hey guys!" she exclaimed with a smile. "There's pizza and drinks. Glad you guys could make it! Did you talk to Shadow?"

    "Yep, she's gonna show up later." I said with a smile as MJ walked away to get some food.

    "Awesome, well... Enjoy the party," she said as she went to see some friends. I looked around, I didn't really know anyone here besides MJ... Peter and Ned haven't showed up yet.

    I took a deep breath and went to find MJ. I found her by the kitchen making some toast.

    "Didn't Liz say there was Pizza?" I asked.

    "Mhm." MJ said looking down at the toaster.

    "Then why are you making toast?" I asked with a chuckle.

    "Because I wanted some." she said with a shrug. I nodded and looked toward the door as Peter and Ned entered, MJ's toast popped out of the toaster.

    "I Can't believe you're at this lame party." MJ commented as Peter and Ned approached us.

    "But you're here too." Peter said confused.

    "Am I?" MJ asked taking a bite of her toast and walking away. I watched her disappear into the crowd then turned towards Peter and Ned.

    "Glad you guys are here," I said with a smile. Peter smiled back at me. "Nice hat, Ned." I said before Liz walked up to us.

    "Oh, my gosh. Hey, guys. Cool hat, Ned." Liz said with a smile.

    "Hi Liz," the two of them chorused.

    "I'm so happy you guys came. There's pizza and drinks. Help yourself."

    "What a great party." Ned said.

    "Thanks." Liz said as someone stares to mess with something. "Oh, I-- My parents will kill me if anything's broken. I gotta--"

    "Yeah." Peter said with a small smile.

    "Enjoy the party," Liz said walking away.

    "Dude, what are you doing?" Ned asked quieyly. "She's here. Spider it up."

    Peter looked at me then to Ned. "No, no, no. I can't-- I cannot do this." he whispered. "Spider-Man is not a party trick, okay? Look, I'm just gonna be myself."

    "Peter, no one wants that." Ned said looking at Peter.

    "Dude." Peter said giving Ned a 'come on, man' type look. I chuckled lightly.

    "Penis Parker, what's up?" Flash said into the microphone from his DJ set up. "So where's your pal Spider-Man? And his hot pal Shadow? Let me guess: In Canada with your imaginary girlfriend?" Flash joked, I frowned deeply. "That's not Spider-Man. That's just Ned in a red shirt. And that's not Shadow, it's just Banner in a black hoodie."

    I clenched my jaw and glanced towards Later and Ned before walking toward the front door. "I gotta get outta here." I walked out the front door and to the side of the house. I walked to the tree and jumped, grabbing the branch and swinging myself onto the neighbors roof. I took off my jacket and jeans and put on my mask.

    "What the fuck am I doin'?" I asked looking down at the house, looking through the sliding glass side door and seeing the party. "This is just dumb." I muttered picking up my clothes and folding them.

    "'Hey, what's up? I'm Spider-Man. Just thought I'd swing by and say hello to my buddy Peter," Peter said taking off his shirt and pants revealing his Spider-man suit. He didn't even notice me standing there. "Oh, what's up, Ned? Hey, where's Peter, anyways? He must be around...'" he said, running through what he would do when he got inside.

    I put on my mask and looked at him, this was kinda Ned's fault... But Peter agreed to it, obviously. I agreed to ask 'Shadow' to come and now look where I am... Fuck.

    "God, this is stupid. What am I doing?" Peter asked looking down at the house. Just then there was an purple light from a couple blocks away.

    What the? I thought as I silently jumped off of the roof and ran through the streets to find out what was happening.

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