···Chapter Six···

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    I walked into the school and to my locker I put my bag in there and grabbed my stuff for my class, as Peter approached his locker, carrying all of his books and binders.

    Right... His backpack got stolen. I thought looking back into my locker.

    "Hey, Peter where's your backpack?" I asked.

    "Oh, I-I don't know." he stammered.

    "Isn't that like your fifth new backpack?" I asked with a slight chuckle.

    "Yeah," he said opening his locker and putting his stuff in there, "May is a little mad at me."

    "Well, lucky for you, I have this." I said taking out a black backpack. "It's something I've been working on since you lost your second one." I said handing it to him. "It has a tracker so if you do lose it you can find it, oh here's the device to track it with." I said handing him a rectangular screen. "It also has a secret compartment so you can hide stuff in it, you know if you need to hide anything like drugs, alcohol, or a small dog."

    Peter chuckled lightly. "Thanks, (Y/n), but you didn't have to."

    "Nonsense, I just wanted to make your life easier, and save May from having to buy so many backpacks." I said rubbing the back of my neck.

    "When did you have the time to do this?" peter asked setting it in his locker and grabbing his stuff for class before closing the door.

    I closed my door and shrugged. "Ehh... I have a lot of time." I said as we began walking to Home Room. "I usually do it while F.R.I.D.A.Y. is searching for my dad, or when I'm not helping Tony with his suits. I stayed up last night to finish it."

    "R-really? How much sleep did you get last night exactly?"

    "I got a bit, but around 3:30 I woke up and couldn't really get back to sleep after that, so I decided to finish this for you so I can start working on the project that MJ wants." I said with a small smile.

    "Well, thank you, (Y/n), but please try and get some sleep tonight. I mean, you're always so tired..." Peter said as we walked into the room and made our way to our seats.

    I sat down next MJ and laid my head on the desk.

    "No sleep again I see." she said with a smirk.

    "I got a little bit..." I muttered as my phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out and noticed that it was a text from Tony.

Tony Stank:
You didn't call me last night.like I told F.R.I.D.A.Y. to have you do. How could you go and do something like that? You could've been hurt, (Y/n)!

    I rolled my eyes and began to type a reply.

(Y/n) 👻
Tony, I didn't get hurt, no one did. If it means anything Peter also helped and he could've got hurt so you should talk to him too. I didn't call because I was tired.

    I looked over at Flash who was glaring towards me and Peter. I looked back down at my phone as another text came through.

Tony Stank:
(Y/n), call me after school, or at lunch, okay? Have a good day, and if you wanna bring MJ over you can. See you soon, kid. 💕

(Y/n) 👻
Okay, Tony. Thank you. 💕💕💕

    I set my phone down and looked at MJ. "Tony said you can come over tonight."

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