···Chapter Ten···

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    I spent the rest of the night showing MJ my powers, levitating a few things, stopping thrown objects in mid air, reading her mind to find out what card was hers. And I asked F.R.I.D.A.Y. to look into strange weapon deals through out the city, and also strange electromagnetic pulses, so far we found nothing.

    Tony called though... And that's where it gets strange...:

    I sat next to MJ on the couch as I was levitating three of her books as Jimmy Kimmel played in the background. Then my phone rang, Iron Man by Black Sabbath blasting from it, breaking my concentration and having the books fall to the floor.

    "Shhhh!!!" I said to MJ with a smile as she laughed really hard, I don't know why, maybe she did it because she jumped at the bang of the books. I put my phone on speaker and set it on the table picking up the books again. "Go for (Y/n)." I said as MJ put another book on the stack.

    "What the hell were you thinking, (Y/n)?!" Tony shouted.

    "I was doing what heroes do, Tony," I said as I made the books hover over MJ's head. "Winguardium leviosa." I chuckled.

    "No, unfortunately, heroes usually stop the bad guys." Tony said with a sigh.

    MJ covered her mouth and looked at me with wide eyes.

    "Yeah, well heroes usually don't turn their back on their team causing half of them to be wanted by the government." I said with a smile.

    "BURN!" MJ yelled causing me to chuckle.

    "Sir, do you need some ice?" F.R.I.D.A.Y. asked, causing MJ and I to bust out laughing.

    "Am I on speaker?" Tony asked.

    "Yep. It's alright, MJ knows." I said, he sighed in relief. "Tony, I'm sorry if I worried you-"

    "Worried? Worried doesn't begin to cover how I felt. I was so scared, (Y/n)... If you had gotten hurt... I wouldn't know what to do."


    "(Y/n), you're like a daughter to me, and I want what's best for you, but you can't just go off and fight a fight you know nothing about like that..." he said. "I've lost so much, and I can't lose you too."

    MJ looked at me with wide eyes and gave an awkward smile before going into the kitchen. I set the books down on the table and ran a hand through my hair.

    "Tony, I know and I'm sorry... But I couldn't sit there and not intervene at the ATM robbery, and I had to figure out what was going on when I saw a freaking blast of purple light shoot into the sky." I explained.

    "I know kid, I would've done the same thing." Tony said with a small chuckle. "You know, when I first met you back when the whole Loki/Chitauri thing happened, I knew there was something special about you. Whether it was the fact that you understood thermonuclear physics at such a young age, or the fact that you had potential to be a huge green rage monster... I knew there was something special about you."

    I chuckled lightly and pulled my knees to my chest.

    "Then the whole Ultron thing happened, and you helped us figure out what to do, and even helped convince Wanda and Pietro to help out..." Tony recalled. "Then your dad disappeared... I still remember what happened when Cap and I told you. You remember that?"

    "I remember calling you both liars and then Sam and Wanda running into the training room." I chuckled.

    "Yeah, well, the reason they came running into the room was because you threw me back against the wall and threw Steve's shield at him that was all the way across he room. It was the first time we saw your powers." Tony explained.

    "Ah... Now I remember, later that day you had me training with Wanda." I said with a smile.

    "Yeah... I would've trained you, but I didn't want to get hurt." Tony chuckled.

    "I wouldn't have hurt you, Tony... Well, maybe a little."

    "I wouldn't put it past you." he said. "But I never gave up on you learning to control them, and you never gave up on me as a surrogate dad. And from the moment I saw you I've always tried to protect you, to keep you safe. Bruce didn't even have to ask me. I just always felt like I had to, like it was my responsibility, You know?"

    I didn't know, I never knew that Tony felt this way, I only thought that he took me in as a legal responsibility to show the world that "Hey, Tony Stark cares for someone other than himself."

    "When your dad disappeared, I knew that I was supposed to help you, and I wanted to... (Y/n), I know sometimes I must be unbearably annoying, and sometimes it may seem like I'm to busy to be there, but just know that I do love and care for you," he said.

    I smiled as tears filled my eyes. "I know, Tony... I love you too."

    "You and me... We're all that's left, kid. So if were gonna find your dad, save the world, maybe one day get the team back together... If we're gonna see this through. We're gonna do it together. I'm proud of you, (Y/n)."

    "I'm proud of us, Tony."

    "Yeah, me too. I'm gonna let you and MJ get back to whatever it was you were doing, I'll talk to you later."

    "Yeah, bye Tony."

    "Bye, (Y/n). Try not to cause any damage to the house while I'm gone." he chuckled.

    "What if I said it was too late for that?" I asked as MJ walked back into the living room with some popcorn.

    "Oh god, (Y/n)... What did you break?"

    "Nothing, I was only joking."

    "Okay. Goodnight girls," he said.

    "Goodnight, Tony."

    "Goodnight, Mr. Stark." MJ said through a mouth full of popcorn. I hung up and looked at her as she stared at the TV.

    I had a surrogate dad that loved me, and a best friend who now knows my secret... And Peter, Ned and I are friends... For once in my life (after my dad disappeared), I am genuinely happy...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2021 ⏰

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