···Chapter Five···

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     I crawled through my open bedroom window and closed it quietly.

    "F.R.I.D.A.Y. did you talk to Tony?" I asked taking my mask off.

    "Yes, he wants you to call him right away." she answered.

    I took off my boots and sighed slightly. "What about the Stark Relief Foundation?"

    "He ordered me to send them, but he really wants you to call him."

    "Can't I do that tomorrow? I'm tiiiiiiirrrred." I groaned falling back onto my bed.

    "Of course, (Y/n)... But if you're going to go to bed, I suggest that you should change into pajamas." she suggested.

    I nodded and got off my bed, pulling off the top and changing into an over sized Guns N Roses shirt and then changing into a pair of black leggings. "F.R.I.D.A.Y..." I said as I laid down in bed, covering myself up with the, black, comforter.

    "Yes, (Y/n)?"

    "Thank you... for everything." I said as I looked up at the ceiling.

    "Anytime, (Y/n), goodnight."

    "Night, F.R.I.D.A.Y..." I said stifling a yawn. She shut off my lights and I closed my eyes to go to sleep.


    Peter sat with May in the Chinese restaurant, stressed about the bad guys getting away, stressed about Tony not telling him about the tower, stressed about Shadow's comments about the "war," stressed he lost his, fifth, backpack, and stressed about Flash's threat to him and to (Y/n).

    "What's the matter?" Nay asked looking up at Peter. "Thought you loved larb. It's too larby? Not larby enough. How many times do I have to say "larb" before you talk to me?" she asked. "You know I larb you..."

    "I'm just stressed. The internship, and I'm tired. A lot of work." Peter answered, almost truthfully. He didn't like lying to May about being Spider-man, but if she knew he wouldn't be able to be Spider-man anymore.

    "The Stark internship. I have to tell you, not a fan of that Tony Stark. You're distracted all the time. He's got you in your head." she said pointing her fork towards her nephew.

    "Delmar's Sandwiches was destroyed..." a newscaster droned on in the background, the subject causing Peter to turn around.

    "What does he have you doing?"

    "...in an explosion after an ATM robbery was thwarted by Queens' own crime stopper..."

    "What?" May asked finally looking up at the screen.

    "...the Spider-Man, and ex Avenger, Shadow. As the Spider-Man and Shadow attempted to foil their heist... a powerful blast was set off, slicing through the bodega across the street. Miraculously, no one was harmed." the newscaster explained.

    "If you spot something like that happening, you turn and you run the other way." May said looking at Peter with wide eyes.

    "Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Of course." Peter said looking down at his food.

    "Six blocks away from us." May said in disbelief.

    "I need a new backpack." Peter said out of the blue.

    "What?" May asked.

    "I need a new backpack." Peter repeated.

    "That's five." May said with furrowed eyebrows. "Where are they going?"

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