Chapter 5

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Sub drives. You bring Ethan, too, but you don't bring Flebsy. Everyone crowds around the door. Sub knocks. "What?" Your mom says as she opens the door. "Who the hell are you?" Your mom asks. "Y/N, come here." Sub asks. You come up slowly. "Do you abuse her?" Sub asks. "There you are!" Your mom says as she grabs you by the arm. "DON'T TOUCH MY SISTER!" Ethan yells as he run after you. Ethan tries to pull you apart but it doesn't work. "We are taking her no matter what." Denis says as he comes in the house. Your brother kicks Denis' shin. "Kid, you can do better than that!" Denis says. He keeps your brother occupied. Now everyone is in the house. Corl grabs a Frank plushie he found. The plushie is yours, and you are grateful Corl grabbed it. You escape your moms grasp and run behind Corl. "Get in the car." Corl says. "Oh! And here's Frank." Corl hands you Frank. You smile and run in the car. "You know, lady, it's 6 against 1." Alex says. "Stop talking, you gay freak!" Your mom yells. You hear that and run back in the house. "DON'T INSULT HIM, HE IS PERFECT THE WAY HE IS!" You yell. 

"Oh, Y/N, I'll punch you hard tonight." Your mom says as she runs towards you. "SUB! CALL THE POLICE!" Denis says as he holds your mom back. Alex helps Denis. "BRADEN! Get in the car with Y/N!" Alex says. Corl pulls you in the car. "Wow.." Corl says, sweating. "Trust me, this is normal in this household." You say. The police come and look through our window on the car. "You guys stay here." The policeman says. "Ok, sir." You say. "We will handle this." Says the policemen. Denis and Alex let go of her. Your mom still tries to run to the car. You see her get arrested. Denis and Alex get in the car. Then Elijah gets in. "C'MON ETHAN!" Elijah yells. Ethan comes out of the house with stuff. He has your "I Love Cats" shirt, all The Pals plushies, a Corl sticker and a Bandi hat. "Thanks, Ethan." You say. "No problem." Ethan says. "Wait..? Did you see my room?" You ask since it has pictures of Denis everywhere. "Yup." Ethan says with a wink. Sub drives you to your new home.

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