Chapter 9

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You wake up. The house is so quiet. No Denis screaming about dying in Raft, no Alex doing stupid things, no Corl being.... Corl. You walk downstairs and see suitcases. "What is happening?" You ask. "Oh, yeah, we didn't tell you. Heh." Alex says. "We are going to meet up with Samantha and Jent at a rental house, next to the beach." Denis says. "For how long?" You ask. "3 days." Corl says. "YAYAYAYYAY!!" You scream. "I NEED A SUUUUUITCAAAASE!" You yell. Sub hands you a red suitcase with a cat sticker. "Thank you." You thank him. "No problem" He says. You run upstairs, and start packing everything you have. You get your computer and your phone, too. You get dressed quickly and put on your Bandi hat. You run back downstairs and scream, "I'M READY!" Denis gets in the car first, then Corl, then Elijah and Ethan, then Flebsy gets in the drivers seat. "I wanna drive!" Sub says. "You don't even know the address!" Flebsy says back. "...Fine..." Sub says as he sits next to you. "He has a point, Sub." You say. "I said 'fine'!" Sub says. "Ok, jeez." You say. You look at the cars time. It's 7:54 am. You lean your head on Subs shoulder. You see him smile. You soon fall asleep. You have dream.

This part is based off a dream I had. This is how you know I watch The Pals too much XD

Dream: I sit in my chair next to Sub. I'm wearing a beautiful royal blue dress. I see Braden walk down the aisle with his father. Braden is wearing a white fluffy dress. Braden walks up in front of Denis. "Do you, Braden Reed Welsh, take Denis to be your-" Alex gets cut off by Braden. "I DO!" He screams. "Do you, Denis Kopotun, take Braden to be-" Alex gets cut off again, but by Denis this time. "I do!" Denis says. "You may kiss the bride." Alex says. Braden jumps into Denis' arms and kisses him. Braden points to the exit. "LETS GOOO!" Braden screams. Denis runs out of the exit with Braden in his arms. Sub and Elijah kiss each other, as well as Flebsy and Sam. "So beautiful." I say. I walk out to the food place, and see Braden stuffing his mouth with brownies. "Braden! Don't eat that many brownies! You are going to faint-" Denis gets cut off from Braden falling into Denis' arms, movie style. I can't help but crack up. "Hahaha!-

"WAKE UP!" Sub says as he shakes you. "We are here!" Sub says. You get up and get out of the car. You get your suitcase. You check your phone and see it is 8:47 am. "Wow, I slept for long." You say to yourself. You walk in the house and see a big brown couch. The ceiling is high. Even higher than Denis' height. You sniff the air and smell the beach. You plop yourself on the couch and go on Wattpad. You find some good Dorl fanfics. You start to read them, but you fall asleep. You get woke up by a knock on the door. You see Alex open the door. "Hi, Sam! Hi Jent!" Alex greets them. You perk up and look at the door. You see Sam and Jent walk through the door with suitcases. You start smiling. Alex looks at you. He walks over to you and says, "Oh, guys, this is Y/N. A couple days ago we figured out she was Elijah and Ethan's twin sister." "Oh my god, I'm such a big fan of you guys!" You say. "Oh, cool!" Samantha says. "Hi!" Jent says. You wave to them. Denis walks in the room. "Hi, guys!" He says. "Hi Denis! Long time, no see!" Samantha says. Denis and Sam hug. Then Denis hugs Jent. "Nice seeing you again!" Denis says to Jent. "You, too!" Jent says. Flebsy comes arounds the corner and says, "Hi, Sam." He kisses her. I'm pretty sure Flebsy is dating Sam so I thought I might as well add this XD. Denis looks at Flebsy with an oddly... Mad look, I guess you could say. Almost like Denis is mad at him for something. You shrug it off and go back to chilling out on the couch. You turn on the TV and start to watch Big Brother (I love that show XD. If you watch it... SWAGGY C. I'm sorry, I had to do that XD). Elijah comes over to the couch. "Who is your favorite?" He asks you. "Sam... Or maybe Tyler." You say. "Same." Elijah says. 

You finish watching it. You go upstairs and here talking behind a door. You shouldn't be eavesdropping, but you are. You hear fighting between... what it sounds like Denis and Sub. "You have to show everyone-........." You don't hear that last part. "N-No..!" You hear Denis say. You hear something hit the floor from inside the bedroom. You now hear crying from what sounds like Denis. You can't help but burst open the door. "Y-Y/N..." Denis says as he sits on the floor, crying. You see Sub on the ground. You rush over to him and feel if he is breathing. Thankfully, he is breathing. He has a black eye. You walk over to Denis slowly. He turns away. "I'm so, so, so s-sorry.." Denis says. "Denis..? What happened..?" You ask. "Sub... wanted me to show everyone.... t-this.." Denis says as he opens up his hand. An orb, just like Subs, appears. But it's teal this time. "And... I threw it at... his eye.." Denis says. "I know you don't like me anymore.." He says. "Denis..." "You hate me, don't you." He says. "Denis.." "You just thin-" "DENIS!" You scream. "W-What..?" Denis says. "I don't hate you! I love you! You have helped through things you could of never thought of!" You say. Denis sniffles and looks at you. "You don't mean it." Denis says. "Yes, I do! Denis... you have to understand me.." You say. You sit next to him and hug him. "There are way bigger things happening in the world than this! This isn't the end of the world!" You say. "Ok, fine. You like me. But what about everyone else?" He says. You see Sub start to get up. He sits up and looks at Denis while holding an orb, with a shaky hand. He backs away. "Sub..?" Denis asks. "DON'T.. TOUCH ME!" Sub screams. He hear footsteps up the stairs. "Why is someone screaming in here?" Corl asks. "Um.. well.." You stammer. "Well, Braden..." Denis stammers, too. Corl looks at Sub with the orb. Sub starts to look at Corl then Denis then Corl then Denis. Sub throws it. He throws it at Denis. "DON'T TOUCH DIN DIN, YOU PSYCHO!" Corl says as he blocks the orb from hitting him. You see Sub smile as he stands up. "SUB! YOU NEED TO STOP!" You scream. "ELIJAH! ETHAN! FLEBSY! ALEX!" You scream downstairs. "Guys.. Sub has gone insane." You say. 

WOAH! 1185 words! That is the most I've ever done!

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