Chapter 20

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Y/N POV (1st Person)

"So, guys, you have different names in this world." Sub says. 

"Mine is Cloverstar."

"Denis' is Tealpelt."

"Elijah's is Foxpaw."

"Ethan's is Maplepaw."

"Alex's is Wolfpaw." (I forgot to add Alex to the list of names, so here he is!)

"Corl's is Rainpaw."

"Sandra's is Lavapaw."

"Y/N's is Pebblepaw." 

Sub says. "I love my name!" Elijah says. "Good." Sub says. "I, am the Clan Leader. I rule the Clan." Sub says, bringing his chin up a bit. "Denis, is the Medicine Cat. He is the closest cat to StarClan, the Clan's warrior ancestors. He also heals cats, and he knows herbs and berries that are most helpful for healing our Clanmates." Sub says, looking at Denis. "I will explain more, later. First, let's go to Camp!" Sub says, turning the other way. 

As Sub brings us to 'Camp', I here other cats cheer. It slowly quiets as cats look at me and everyone else. A beautiful red-ish, orange-ish cat trots up to Sub. Denis walks right next to the cat. "Everyone, Cloverstar and Tealpelt are back!" She mews. "Now, it looks like Cloverstar has brought some friends?" She says turning towards us. The cat has very sleek fur, bright blue eyes, and a big scar on her back. "Cloverstar, Tealpelt, are they from your world?" She asks, turning her back to us. "Yes, they are our friends, Poppypelt." Denis says nodding. "Very well, should we welcome them to our clan as apprentices, Cloverstar?" Poppypelt says. Sub looks at us. "Yes. They have already tested their powers, and I think they are ready." Sub says. Poppypelt looks at us and singles for us to come over to her. Everyone and I walk next to Sub. "What are your names, apprentices?" Poppypelt asks us. "I am Wolfpaw." Alex says. Everyone says their names, then they look at me, waiting. "And you, young one?" Poppypelt says, sounding impatient. "Uh, I'm Pebblepaw.." I say. "Don't be worried, Y/N, our Clanmates are very nice." Sub whispers to me. I nod. "We welcome, Wolfpaw, Foxpaw, Maplepaw, Lavapaw, Rainpaw, and Pebblepaw, to our Clan." Sub says. I smile looking into my new, but temporary, home.

Sub has explained everything, to everyone. I walk into the apprentices den and see two other cats. One cat has hazel eyes, with light brown fur. The other one is grey, with white paws, and blue eyes. They are sharing tongues (If you don't know what that means, it means they are grooming/licking each other :D). They look at me. "So, I heard you and your friends joined the Clan." One cat says in between licks. "Yeah, so what's your name, anyway?" The other cat says looking at me this time. "I'm Pebblepaw." I say. "Nice to meet you, Pebblepaw. I'm Hazelpaw and this is Lightpaw (Yw, @Sk0ple !)." Hazelpaw says. "And your also good friends with Cloverstar?" Lightpaw asks me. "Uh, yeah!" I say. "Do you know who your mentor is yet?" Lightpaw asks. "No. I think I'll know in the morning, though." I say sitting down next to Hazelpaw. 

Sorry, @Tallshadow500 ! I promise I'll put you in tomorrow. I'm really sorry! 

Bye bye, peepo's!


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