Chapter 24

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Alex POV

The wolves surround us. "Nice meals." One of them snarls, and licks their lips. "Not now, Claw. Later." Another one smirks at us. Me and a few others whimper quietly. The wolves back off to raid more, and a few other wolves guard us. Wait a minute.. where's Y/N!? "Sub!" I whisper-yell. "Yes?" He turns to me. "Where's Y/N- and Denis?!.. W-Wait.. and Leopardstripe!" Sub looks into the woods. "They're safe. I know it." He says, still looking into the forest. "Quiet, you two! Or you'll have your fur ripped off." The wolf named Claw growls. I squeak like a kit and jump back. The big wolf laughs.

"Blood, their are no other traces of cats." One of the wolves mutter. I think Blood is the alpha of the wolf pack. He is very bossy. "Good." Blood mumbles back.

I sit in the back of the cats, with my head down. My blue whiskers twitch in fear that I'll get mauled by the wolves. Almost like how, centuries ago, Swiftpaw got brutally ripped apart by those dogs (hehehe Warriors reference). I hear pawsteps, and look up to see Corl. "Hey, Corl." I greet him. "Hey." He sits down next to me. "Why do you look so sad?" He asks. "Oh, it's definitely not because these wolves could rip us apart and eat us right now if they wanted." I say sarcastically. "Oh, don't be that way. I'm thinking about standing up to one of those wolves." Corl looks into Blood's direction. Is he insane!? Why would he try to fight a WOLF!? "Are you crazy? You can't do that! You'll get killed instantly." I say. "I'll be fine." Corl mutters.

"Gather around, you disgusting cats." Blood announces. We slowly form a group around the alpha, and listen closely. "You will all," His voice booms through the forest, really putting emphasis on that 'all', "follow us to our camp. Any objections?" Blood growls. I see Corls ears prick up. Don't do it, Corl, I think. "Okay, good-" "I have an objection." Corl rises up. What was he thinking!? "What is it, you gross cat (I'm running out of insults lol)?" Corl wouldn't do it.. he's smarter than that! Even me, a pretty stupid furball, is smart enough to know not to fight back to a wolf.

Blood and Corl stare at each other for a good three minutes before Blood speaks. "TALK!" He yells. "My objection is," Don't do it, Corl! "This." Corl jumps on Blood, ripping off his one of his ears. Blood immediately swipes at Corl, leaving a big gash on the poor cat's face. Corl hisses and claws at Blood's belly. But before Corl could do any damage to the wolf, Blood unsheathes his claws and leaves blood gushing out of Corl's belly. "Corl!" I yelp. "Shut up!" Blood looks at me. I slide back into the crowd, embarrassed. "Night, take this corpse to camp. Will do great for dinner." Blood demands to a she-wolf (that's what they call female wolves). A jet-black wolf steps forward and says, "You got it, Blood." She picks up Corl in her mouth and drags him out into the woods. "Let that be a lesson for you all." Blood growls. I start shaking a little. Sub trots up to me and pushes his head to my muzzle affectionately. I purr softly. "Thanks." I whisper.


As we approach the portal, I start to think this might be a bad idea. "Maybe we shouldn't go back, and what will we do with Leopardstripe?" I question. "No, we have to go to get Sam and Jent. And Leopardstripe- Wait, Leopardstripe?" Leopardstripe is farther behind us now, fiddling with her paws as she walks. "O-Oh, sorry." The she-cat pads up to Denis. "Is there something wrong?" Denis asks.  The medicine cat apprentice looks down at the ground. "Kinda.." She mutters. "You can tell me." Denis purrs. Leopardstripe breaths heavily, and finally says, "I'm a Human, too." I can tell Denis is shocked, because he's lost for words. "Wait- Wha- Re-Really?!" Denis says loudly. She nods a little, still looking at the grass under paw. "That's great! You can come with us!" I say. "I guess-s..."

When we reach the portal, we stop. "Are you guys ready?" Denis says. Me and Leopardstripe nod. Denis holds both of our paws. "3.. 2.. 1!" We all jump in at the same time.

Hehehe! Cliff to the hanger! I thought this chapter was long enough so I decided to end it here.

Bye, bye, peepo's!

- Abby

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