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Redgie had been working for two days now as Pepper's personal assistant.

So we headed back to my favorite cafe to celebrate.

Redgie and Wanda went to the counter to order as I took a table, which was the one Wanda and I had sat in last time we were here.

It didn't take long for Taz to take notice and trot over to claw my pant leg.

Wanda was the first to walk over, she was holding three drinks.

She slid me my hot chocolate and nudged another to the empty seat before curling her fingers around her own warm cup.

Wanda glanced under the table, "It seems he's missed you," she told me with a grin as she reached down and pet his paw.

I nodded my head as I sipped from my hot chocolate, "I still want him," I told Wanda as Redgie came to the table holding a tray of food, a fruit platter.

"I haven't had an orange in so long," Redgie was saying as he sat down, placing the platter in the center of the table.

"Then eat one," Wanda told him as she sat back upright.

Taz mewed and dug his claws into my pants.

Wanda and Redgie started picking at the platter as I watched Taz.

"Pietro, eat your food," Wanda told me as she held an apple slice out to me.

"Why don't you adopt the cat? They're all up for adoption aren't they?" Redgie asked.

I nodded my head, "But Tony does not want one in his home," I told him, eating the apple slice.

Wanda sent me a small look, "Our home," she corrected before handing me a handful of green grapes.

I ate the grapes before Wanda let me go into the cat area, I sat against the bars to keep in the conversation.

Wanda kept slipping me food through the bars.

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