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I stared at him for a few moments after he'd finished his story about the trials.

"If he is not Ezekiel, then who is he?" I questioned.

Dean looked at the ground before looking back at me, "I don't know,".

Wanda and I shared a look for a few moments, "Where is Castiel?" I asked, looking back at the pair.

"We don't know, somewhere in the states," Dean told me.

I stared at him, "Well go find him, he knows more about this angel than any of you," I told him as I stood up from the table.

"Now, who can contact Kevin's mother?" I asked.

Dean grabbed his phone, "I'll give her a call," as he headed to the bookshelves.

Charlie sat down at the other side of the table, "How have you been Pietro? You look better," Charlie asked, she kept glancing at Wanda. She looked either nervous or like she was about to have a fangirl incident.

"The Avengers and I have been closer than ever. We've moved to a new compound more secluded than the tower in New York. I also got a cat, his name is Taz," I told her.

Charlie nodded before asking, "Are you staying or are you just here for Kevin's mom?" She asked.

I looked at Wanda, and then my arm, or lack of...

"I think we will just be here for Kevin's mother, I do not want to leave him for very long, especially if something happens." I told her.

Dean came back in the room after a few moments of silence, "She's on her way, said she'd be here by tonight," he informed as he took a seat across from Wanda and I.

"And until then, no potions or magic bullshit for you," Dean said, pointing at me.

I rolled my eyes, Wanda looked at me questioningly.

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