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Wanda stepped back in a moment later and nodded.

"Do you want to come back with me?" I offered.

Kevin gave a slow nod, "I don't want to stay here anymore," Kevin told me as he squeezed my hand.

"I will be back with your nurse," I told him as I gave his hand a squeeze before releasing.

"You'll be back right?" Kevin questioned, sitting up a bit more.

I nodded a little, "I promise," I assured, he relaxed a bit.

I took that moment to step out, Wanda wasn't far behind.

"Not going to ask Stark?" She teased a little, trying to lighten the mood I guessed.

"This is not something he will get a say in," I told her as we walked up to the nurse's station.

There were a couple working at the desk, "How can I help you?" One of the asked, pausing in here typing.

"Kevin Tran, I am taking him home," the nurse looked annoyed.

"Let me rephrase that, my name is Pietro Maximoff, and I am taking him home," she froze a bit at that.

"You're Pietro?" She questioned, looking me over.

I felt my eye twitch in annoyance, Wanda took over.

"Yes, and he is my brother and we want to take Kevin back with us," her eyes lit up with recognition of Wanda.

"I'll have to have his consent first, but after that you'll need to know how to care for him and his needs," she informed a bit slowly.

I leaned against the counter, "Start talking,".

The nurse actually looked a bit nervous as she started to speak, "Well, his eyes need to be cleaned and rewrapped at least three times a day and nothing, not even water can touch his face. He will need help eating, drinking, using the bathroom, navigating anywhere and everywhere, and he will need to attend doctor appointments weekly to ensure his eyes won't get infected," her expression turned to unimpressed as she listed things.

I felt Wanda's hand on my back, "Consider it done," her voice was a bit cold.

The nurse sighed before she started typing on the computer again, it didn't take long for the printer to start acting up.

She rolled her chair over to it and grabbed the papers, "Someone will have to be there to witness his consent to this and a doctor will go over everything with you in detail,".

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