My boyfriend and my best friend fucked that one time.

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The next morning, I woke up next to Ronnie, still completely naked. Memories from the night before flooded my mind, and I sat up straight. Ronnie was still asleep and snoring lightly. I smiled and kissed him softly on the head before sliding out of bed. I got in the shower, feeling the hot water pouring softly down my skin. As I washed myself and my hair, I thought about last night. It was truly amazing, that couldn't be denied. Ronnie was so gentle with me, yet so rough. He was romantic, yet wild. I felt a little bit uncomfortable when I considered the amount of people he'd slept with in the past, but he was mine now, not theirs. I was his girlfriend. I got a flood of happiness when I thought about it. Ronnie and I were an 'item' now. Officially. I smiled as I turned off the shower and stepped out, wrapping a towel around my waist. I walked calmly out of the bathroom, looking for the hair straightener. Ronnie was sitting upright in bed, reading. 

"What are you reading?" I asked, sitting next to him. He kissed me on the forehead and showed me the front cover. 

"The bible?" I asked incredulously. He chuckled. 

"It interests me. And I needed something to preoccupy me." he said before dropping the book on the floor and kissing me softly. I melted into him, but stopped before it went too far. 

"Where's the hairdryer?" I asked breathlessly. He pointed to a drawer. I kissed him once more on the cheek before jumping up and grabbing the hairdryer out of the drawer. I also got a pair of shorts, tights that have a 'suspender' pattern on them and my t-shirt that says 'I fancy the lead singer' and walked into the bathroom. I dried my hair and put on the shorts, tights and shirt.I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. The shirt had a high-ish neckline, but low looped armholes. I loved it - it was one of my favourites. When I was done, I unplugged the hairdryer and pumped my hair up with hair mousse until it fell the way I wanted it to, then applied some make up. I brought my make up bag out of the bathroom and shoved it into my suitcase. I looked up and saw that Ronnie was already dressed, and was wearing a black beanie over his hair. I plucked it off his head and settled it lightly on my own. He looked at me appriciatively. 

"That doesn't look bad, my dear." he said, kissing me on the nose. I grinned at him and put on my creepers, leather jacket and sunglasses. 

"So, when do we leave?" I asked eagerly. He chuckled.

"Five minutes ago. The guys and Hellie are all in the bus." he said. I gasped and grabbed my suitcase. He laughed as me as I hurried down the hall and got to the lift. It was a wasted effort though, because I still needed to wait for him to catch up. He slid his hand in mine and we stepped into the lift. 

"You look beautiful." he said softly. I blushed and looked down. 

"Thank you. You look wonderful yourself." I said with a grin. He wasn't wearing any make up, but I still thought he looked marvellous. We stepped out of the lift and over to the desk. Ronnie smiled charmingly at the woman over the desk, and I saw her grip the desk. 

"Ch-checking out Mr.Radke?" she stammered. He beamed at her. 

"Yeah, thanks." He said sort of awkwardly. 

"I hope you enjoyed yourself." she said mechanically. He laughed. 

"Yes, yes I did." he said. She obviously got his meaning, because she gave me a look of obvious distaste. He gave her back the key to the room and left without a word. 

"What a bitch." he said loudly as we left the building. I turned around to peek at her, and she looked fuming. I bit my lip to hide my giggle. Ronnie lead me out of the hotel, where we were immediately accosted by his fans. And mine, apparently. 

"Oh my fucking God. Annie, I love you!" someone screamed. I looked at Ronnie for advice, but he was too busy signing shit and taking pictures.

"I love you too!" I called, blowing a kiss in that general direction. Everyone who was standing there cheered, and immediately I was approached with people asking me for pictures and to sign their merchandise, bodies and CDs. After a while, the croud were begging for pictures of Ronnie and I together, so we posed and cuddled and kissed for a few pictures and with a few fans, before a security guard came out of the bus and herded us away from the croud. It was exhilerating, but tiring. We climbed onto the bus and saw the guys playing cards. 

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