The best birthday ever.

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That was 8 months ago. Right now, I'm in my bedroom, staring longingly at my wardrobe full of the clothes that I bought while I was with Ronnie. Now all I can wear is maternity clothes, which are, in all honesty, completely hideous. I don't have a job right now, but I still have a fair amount from my savings from my old job, and Ronnie sends weekly payments of $500 to my house, which I appreciate. It will probably need to be boosted when the little one comes along, but we'll talk about that later. As far as the doctors are concerned, I could pop any minute. Ronnie told me last night on webcam that he's ready to drive down at a moment's notice because he doesn't want to miss the birth of his first (and hopefully only) child. We still don't know the sex, because we wanted it to be a surprise. Hellie went batshit on us, but we don't care. I waddle downstairs to get myself my new favourite snack - celery and peanutbutter. As I'm was making it, I happen to glance up at the calender. It's my birthday tomorrow. 

"Listen, Radke. Don't come popping out on my special day." I warn my little bump before rubbing it affectionately. I love my bump, but I don't want my little baby stealing all my attention on my birthday. I snicker. What attention? This year will be like every other year. I'll get some Facebook 'Happy Birthday' messages, my Mum and Dad will send me $50 in a card, and that's it. The only difference is, this year I should be getting a present sent to me from Falling in Reverse (according to Hellie), I'll be pregnant, and I'll have twitter messages. Woo. Just as I think that, my phone flashes red, and sure enough, I have a twitter mention. Again.

"So I heard @annieinreverse and @RonnieRadke broke up? I guess she couldn't ESCAPE THE FATE." 

Oh how very funny. I ignore it, and text Hellie. 

"I miss you guys so much. How is everyone?" I text. I put the phone next to me on the couch and pick up my copy of '50 Shades of Grey'. Don't judge me, it's actually really entertaining. I hear my phone go off, and check it. 

"We miss you too. Everyone's fine. Ronnie's a bit crabby though." she says. I sigh and text back quickly. 

"Why, what's wrong with him now?" According to Hellie, he's always crabby these days. He's certainly been getting hate on twitter for it. Hellie replies almost straight away. 

"He's just upset because he's missing your birthday." I sigh. I'm upset about that too.

"Tell him not to worry and that I forgive him and I understand." I text back, as usual. She doesn't even bother replying to those texts anymore. I doubt that she even tells him anything. With nothing else to do, I waddle back upstairs, and go to sleep. 

The next morning, I wake up, rolled over and checked my twitter. Yep, as I expected, a billion and five tweets saying 'Happy Birthday'. A considerably less amount on my personal Facebook wall, but I didn't really care anyway. I plod downstairs and check the mail. One card from my parents that I rip open and take the money out of without even reading, and then another, silver parcel. I assume this is my gift from Hellie. so I tear that open too. In the box is two baby outfits. One's a little girl's sailor dress, and one's a little boy's sailor costume. I giggle at the present. I'll have to remember to thank her later. It's then that my phone rings.


"Hey, Annie, it's Ryan."


"Hey, Happy Birthday Anniebear!"

"Thank you, RyRy."

"We got you a present."

"Yeah I know, I got it. Tell Hellie I said thanks."

"No, not that present."

"There's another one?"


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