Chapter 2 || "Missed Me"

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One Month Later

The second the clock changes from 4:59 to 5:00, I rush out from behind the counter and begin to head towards the back of the store.

"Your shift's over?" Madison asks. I look back over my shoulder at her, nodding.

"Yeah, I started at noon today." I say, heading into the back room. I grab my purse and clock out, heading back into the main part of the store. "Bye Mads, see you."

"Bye." she says.

I push open the door and step outside, shivering slightly in the mid-October evening air. I pause on the sidewalk, pulling my phone out of my purse. I unlock it and begin typing.

H: hey i just got done with working, i'm just gonna pick up my paycheck from the coffee shop & then i'll walk to you

I slide my phone in my back pocket and look both ways before crossing the street. I open the door to the coffee shop and step inside, skipping the line and heading over to the far end of the counter where you wait for you drink.

"Hey Helaina." Colton says, walking over to me. "What's up?"

"Can you get me my check?" I ask.

"Yeah, of course." he nods, heading into the back room. He returns a moment later, envelope in hand. He hands it to me with a small smile. "You work tomorrow?"

I shake my head.

"Nah, I have off from here and Lucky. Thank God." I laugh. "You working?"

"Unfortunately. That's the downside of being a manager." he says. I shoot him a sympathetic smile.

"At least you're making more money than me." I point out.

"You have two jobs, though. I only have this one. Who knows, maybe you have this whole thing figured out. Work two jobs, neither of them being high positions. Pick and choose your hours, secure your bag." he says, making me laugh. His eyes glance over at the line and he sighs. "I should probably go take her order. Bye Helaina."

"Bye Colton." I wave a little, shoving my check in my purse and heading out the door. Just as I cross the threshold of the coffee shop to outside, my phone buzzes in my pocket.

X: okay

X: just come inside and get me

H: okay i'll be there in 5

I slide my phone back in my pocket and start off down the sidewalk. It's considerably busy for a Thursday night in October, especially for one colder than usual. I wait with a group of people for the light to change so we can cross the road, heading into the next part of the sidewalk. In just a few minutes, I walk the two blocks to Xavier's job and throw myself inside, eager to escape the cold and instead be greeted by heat and warmth.

"Hi, how many?" the hostess asks me. I shake my head, looking around the restaurant.

"Oh no, sorry. I'm just waiting for Xavier. He told me to come inside for him." I say, and she nods. I move to the side, pulling out my phone to text Xavier that I'm here, but as I go to do so, he appears.

"Hey Helaina." he says, walking towards me. I head towards him, and together, we step outside. I immediately shiver, Xavier taking in my appearance. "Are you cold?"

I shake my head, smiling up at him.

"No, I'm fine. I thought I would be fine in a sweater and leggings, but I massively underestimated today's forecast and didn't bother to check the weather app on my phone, for some reason." I half-joke.

The Heartbreaker [DISCONTINUED] || S.M.Where stories live. Discover now