Chapter 19 || "Back To Business"

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When I wake up the next morning, I have to literally sprint across campus to make it to Psychology on time. After sleeping through my alarm and waking up with less than thirty minutes to get changed and walk there, I slide into my usual seat next to Xavier moments before Professor Dahmon begins to speak.

"Rough morning?" Xavier jokes, taking in my rough appearance and out of breath nature. I just nod, trying to regain a normal breathing pattern again.

"You have no idea." I sigh, running my hand through my unwashed hair. It isn't greasy yet on account of washing it in the middle of the afternoon yesterday, but that doesn't change the fact that I feel disgusting. Waking up and taking a shower has been apart of my daily morning ritual ever since I was old enough to start taking showers, and whenever I break this routine, I can practically feel all of the dirt and grease seeping its way into my skin, pores, and hair.

"Please put all of your class materials and electronics away for the quiz." Professor Dahmon announces. My head whips around to look at Xavier. Suddenly, I've lost the ability to breathe all over again.

"Quiz?" I practically scream. A few people around me shush me, but I ignore them. I can't believe I forgot there was a test today.

Ironically enough, my excuse to Shawn yesterday about not being to hang out was a Freudian slip of the mind.

"Yeah, you forgot?" he asks, putting his laptop and phone away. I just nod helplessly, putting my phone back in my sweatpants pocket.

"Somehow." I nod. "I guess I've just been so busy lately that I completely forgot about it."

"I'm sure you'll do fine." Xavier says in attempt to calm me.

"I hope so." I say, even though I already know I'm not going to. If I don't review the material before a test, it's like I never even learned it. I've always had pretty bad test anxiety and freeze up if I don't feel I know the material well enough. Now, I'm not even sure what the quiz is going to be on.




Class goes by begrudgingly slow. After being one hundred percent sure I didn't get that on my quiz, I can barely focus the remainder of class. All I can think about is how I knew I knew the answers, but in the moment, I froze up yet again and couldn't access the answers. I don't even realize class is over until Xavier says my name and shakes my arm.

"Helaina," he says, finally snapping me out of my daze.

"Huh?" I look at him.

"They're calling your name." he says, looking at Marley, Brandon, and Shawn.

"Oh. Sorry." I say. Xavier just nods, walking away. I begin to close my laptop but Marley stops me before I have the chance to do so.

"Helaina!" she calls, heading up the stairs on the side to come closer to me. Shawn and Brandon trail behind me. "You don't have to turn your laptop off. We were all going to go work on the assignment now."

"The assignment?" I ask. Shit, did I miss another thing in class from zoning out?

"The group project. You know, the presentations." she says, shooting me a weird look. "Are you okay? Do you feel fine?"

"Yeah sorry, I'm just a little out of it today." I reply, shaking my head and standing up.

"Okay, well. We're going to go to the library." She begins to walk away but Brandon stops her.

"Are you sure that's the best idea?" he asks. Marley shoots him a weird look this time, clearly offended that he would ever question her.

"Why wouldn't it be? It's quiet and we can check out books on the topic." she says, the condensation clear as day in her tone.

The Heartbreaker [DISCONTINUED] || S.M.Where stories live. Discover now