Chapter 7 || "In A Fight With A Drunk Girl Over Her Twin Brother"

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"I, uh, I wasn't looking through his..." I stumble, my eyes moving down to the desk drawer as my voice trailed off. Shawn's eyes follow my own before looking back up at me. "Wait, what are you doing in here? This isn't even your room."

"I came to get something." he mumbles, walking over to Caleb's dresser on the other side of the room. He opens the top drawer, beginning to rummage around in it.

"You shouldn't look through other people's stuff." I remind him.

"Oh, you mean, just like you were?" he shoots back, his back still turned to me. I glare at him anyway.

My phone buzzes from Caleb's bed, the lock-screen lighting up with a next message from Julia. I unlock my phone and read it.

J: Are you still in Caleb's room

H: yeah why

J: Sebastian's looking for you

I can't help but audibly groan. I notice Shawn glance back at me, but only for a second. He quickly resumes looking through Caleb's drawers.

H: well don't tell him where i am

H: i'm still pissed at him

J: You should just talk to him Helaina

J: He's actually nice to you and still hot

H: xav was nice to me and he's hot

J: Ugh Helaina!!! Just get the fuck downstairs and talk to hin

J: You need to stop fucking up every relationship you have and try to have a normal steady one for once

It takes all of the self control in me to not scream aloud right now. Instead, I opt for shutting off my phone and throwing it onto Caleb's bed. I dramatically toss myself onto his bed as well.

"I wouldn't sit there, if I were you." Shawn says, closing the drawers shut.

I raise an eyebrow. "Why not?"

"You really want to lay somewhere where Caleb and Julia fu-"

"Okay!" I yell loudly, cutting him off. He stifles a laugh. "I'm good. I don't need to hear anymore."

I stand up and grab my phone, leaning against the desk. I stare at Shawn, crossing my arms in front of my chest. I expect for him to say more, but instead, he remains silent and just continues to stare back.

Finally, I clear my throat and ask, "So why are you even in here anyway?"

"Weed." he answers simply, holding up a little baggie filled with green. I nod quickly and look down. I swallow hard.

It was hard enough to be standing in a circle with him earlier after Psychology got out. Now? To stand in a small room alone with him? I want crawl into a hole and never come out.

It's Shawn's turn to clear his throat this time. He begins to head for the door, opening it. He looks back at me.

"You coming out?"

I hesitate for a moment, thinking about my choices. I could either stay in here, alone, annoyed with Sebastian and Julia and Shawn- practically everyone I know. Or I could go downstairs and face my problems head-on like Julia suggested. As much as I hate admitting it, I know that Julia is right. I need to fix things with Sebastian and talk it out with him, rather than immediately jumping the gun like I'm so used to doing.

"Yeah. I'm going back down to the party." I decide, pushing myself off the desk. I grab my purse and sling it onto my shoulder, patting my hair down gently as I walk towards the door. I make sure to lock the door like Caleb told me to before closing it shut behind me. I begin to walk down the hall, Shawn heading into his bedroom and closing the door. I catch a glimpse of the inside right before the door swings shuts. It's exactly the same as when I last saw it.

The Heartbreaker [DISCONTINUED] || S.M.Where stories live. Discover now