Fun and Games

436 16 14

Toni's Pov (*Gasp* A change in the point of view? Finally!)
I woke up from mine and Cheryl's nap before her. I checked the time. It was 12:08. I decided to go downstairs and make lunch for The Red Queen and I.
Yes, that's my secret nickname for her. Judge me as much as you'd like.
I found the bread, some tomatoes, and sliced cheddar cheese and decided I'd make us grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup.
I put all the ingredients on the counter, pulled out a pot and a pan, and started making our lunch.
Cheryl's Pov (*Gasp* Another one?! Peaches must really love us!)
I woke up 15 minutes after twelve and I noticed that Toni wasn't in the bed with me. My red hair was a tangly mess so I brushed it. Then I went to the kitchen to find Toni, cooking like a chef. She hadn't noticed me yet, so I snuck behind her and grabbed her hips, scaring her. "Boo!" I childishly yelled. Toni nearly dropped the ladle she was using to stir whatever was in the pot. "My god, you nearly gave me a heart attack, you assassin!"
I giggled. "Oh, I'm an assassin, and I'm very dangerous." I joked, striking a dumb action pose, causing us both to laugh.
"What'cha cookin' Cha-Cha?" I asked her. "Cha-Cha?" She raises an eyebrow. I shrugged. "It's called a nickname, silly." Toni laughed again. "I'm cooking grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup, Iracebeth." She joked. Now it was my turn to raise an eyebrow. "Irace-who now?" I asked. Toni's jaw dropped to the floor. "You don't know who the Queen of Hearts is?" She asked me, surprised. I shook my head. "We're watching Alice In Wonderland. Tonight!" She declared. "Alright. By the way, I love tomato soup and grilled cheese. It's my favorite meal." I told her. She smiled. "Lucky guess?" She said.
Toni's Pov
After we finished our lunch, Cheryl asked me, "Do you want to go swimming? It's so hot out today." I agreed. "I'd love nothing more. I feel like I'm melting, melting, oh what a world, what a world!" (Whoever's the first person to get this reference is my new favorite person!) We both laughed. Then we went to Sweetwater River, with towels, water-resistant sunblock and water-resistant bug spray. And our swim suits, which we were already wearing, of course.
Once we arrived, after I'd applied bug spray and sunblock, I practically ripped off my cover up and ran as fast as I could to the river, jumping as high as I could, tucking my knees in and yelling, "CANNONBAAAAAALLL!" I hit the water with a big splash that got Cheryl wet. Once I resurfaced, she was sort of wet, but not soaking. "You got me wet!" She screamed in her usual bitchy manor. I laughed. "Hardly. I barely even splashed you! Now, this is wet." I said, dragging my arm along the river and flinging a bunch of water at her. She squealed at the cool touch of the H2O and I was laughing my ass off. "Not funny!" She yelled. "It kind of is." I said. She stomped back to the car to grab everything. I felt a little bad.
Cheryl's Pov once again
I wasn't mad at Toni, not really, but, as always, I did want revenge. And I knew just how to get it. I walked back and, after setting everything down on our towels, I jumped in the water as well. Toni smiled. "Glad you could join me, Cherry Pie." I smirked. "Careful, Toni, someone might think you like me." I teased. She smiled in reply. I took my arm and swiped it across the water, flinging it at Toni. She screamed as it hit her and I smirked again. "REVENGE!" I childishly yelled. "God, you have the mind of a 6 year old!" Toni yelled back playfully. "Shut up." I told her. She splashed me back, then I splashed her again and it turned into an all out splash war. I won. "Victory is mine!" I exclaimed childishly. Toni got up and out of the water, saying, "Yeah, yeah, you're the queen of Water Castle. Now, I'm ready to go, are you?" She asked me. "Yeah." I told her. We dried ourselves off and got in the car. I drove us home.
Toni's Pov
On the way back home, I thought about Cheryl's statement from earlier, about me liking her. At the time I thought it was absurd, we were just friends. But, I had started to realize how I actually thought of her. That was when I realized that I had a big, huge, lesbian crush on my best friend.
We got back to Cheryl's house and I searched for Alice In Wonderland on the TV. I found it. We could watch it and, luckily, it was free. Cheryl popped some popcorn for us. "Is it okay if we share a bowl? It's less dishes for me to wash." Cheryl asked me. "It's fine, Racie." I responded. "Still confused." Cheryl mumbled. The popcorn was done and she poured it into a big bowl for us. I started the movie and reached my hand in the popcorn bowl. At the same time Cheryl reached her hand in the popcorn bowl. I made a bold move and grabbed her hand. She wrapped her hand around mine. I grabbed some popcorn in my other hand and munched on it. We had a great night. Towards the end of the movie, I fell asleep.

A/N : Sorry but this was only a filler. Welp Toni figured out her feelings XD 😉 I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I love you guys so much, I really do. Bye! ~Peaches

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