When chaos persues, no one is safe

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The next morning
Cheryl's Pov
I woke up the next morning on the couch, Toni cuddling me. I got up and pulled her arms off of me and my phone rang. I answered it. "Hello?"
A rough, deep voice answered, "Hello, Cheryl." "Who is this?" I asked. "This is the Black Hood." The man on the other line told me. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. "Who?" I asked. The so called "Black Hood" chuckled. "You'll find out soon enough. Anyway, I have selected you, Cheryl Majorie Blossom, to name a person, any person that lives in Riverdale that is a sinner, and I will take care of them for you." The guy said menacingly. "What do you mean 'take care of them? Who are you?" I asked, getting frustrated. "Decide now or I'll choose you." The person said angrily. Getting scared, I screamed, "CLAUDIAS BLOSSOM! I choose my uncle Claudias!" "Very well." Then the man hung up.
I put my phone down.
What have I done?

Betty's Pov
I had just gotten out of the shower when I got a text from Veronica.
V : Hey, B. Could you come over?
I texted back
B : Why?
V : It's about Archie...
B : What happened?
V : ..He broke up with me. He left me for Josie and threw me aside like I was nothing. Please come, B. I need you
As soon as I read that, I pulled my shoes on and ran to the Pembrooke. Smithers let me in and up to V's room. I knocked on the door. "Who is it?" I heard Ronnie ask. "V? It's me, Betty." I told her. The door opened and she pulled me in for a hug. Once we pulled apart I asked, "Are you okay?" She shook her head no. "So... he left for Josie?" Veronica nodded.
At that moment, I got a text from my boyfriend, Jughead.
J : Hey, Betts, I think we need a break
I didn't bother to respond. "Asshole." I muttered. Veronica looked at me questioningly. "Me?" She asked, hurt. "No! No, no. Um, Jughead just broke up with me." This angered the raven haired girl. "Give me your phone." She said to me, scowling. I shrugged and handed it to her. She tapped on it a few times, said, "You're welcome." and handed it back to me. I looked at my phone and saw that she texted him back.
B : Well that came out of the blue. I guess we aren't dating anymore. Thanks for nothing, douche.
I laughed and hugged Veronica again. "Thanks, V." "Anytime, B." She said, stroking my hair.
Toni's Pov
I woke up around 2pm to see Cheryl, on her phone. "Good morning, sleepyhead." She said. I checked my phone. "It's not morning, Red Queen." I said to her. She giggled. "That was a good movie last night. Maybe we could watch another movie tonight?" She suggested. I nodded. "Sounds good." I replied. I got up to brush my hair and teeth. I came back and sat on the couch. "You want to go out to eat? I'm hungry." I asked the red goddess that sit beside me. "Yeah. Let's go." She responded. We went to Pop's, at Cheryl's usual booth. Cheryl probably thought of it as a platonic lunch shared between two friends, but in my eyes it was a romantic date between the two of us. God, what is wrong with me?! I thought to myself. After we finished eating, Cheryl went up to pay the bill. When she was done, she walked back and asked me if she was ready to go. "Yeah, I just think I forgot one thing." I lied. "What did you leave?" Cheryl asked, concerned. "This." I told her as I planted my lips on hers.
Cheryl's Pov
I was shocked. Toni Topaz was kissing me. I didn't do anything, my body was paralyzed in that moment. I had no idea what to do. Toni pulled back and looked me in the eyes. "I'm sorry!" She exclaimed. I was about to say "It's fine," when she bolted out the door. I ran after her, calling, "Toni! Toni, wait!" But she couldn't hear me.

A/N : Cliffhanger! Also, wow, Toni finally got the guts to kiss the girl! Things are heating up with Varchie and Bughead breaking up. What jerks, amirite? Also the new Black Hood calling Cheryl? Drama! Toodles! ~Peaches

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