Two fights and a Mystery Girl

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Warning! Violence and Abuse!
One week later
With the Black Hood arrested, Betty and Veronica together, and Cheryl and Toni together, life was good for the four friends.
Cheryl got a job at the Whyte Wyrm so that she could see her girlfriend at work and both Betty and Veronica got jobs at Pop's. They were each other's Diner Girls (If you haven't watched Diner Girls : An LGBT short film, you should. It's good).
Until a new mystery slid into town.
Heather Holsterman. (Watch the Riverdale Season Three trailer if you haven't already. Yes, Dove Cameron) Yes, Cheryl's ex best friend who slept in her bed with her and the Cheryl's deceased mother kicked her and her family out of town. THAT Heather Holsterman.
And she was looking for Cheryl Blossom. The only love she'd ever known.
Later, at the supermarket, where Toni was shopping without Cheryl because Cheryl was getting a manicure at the salon.
Toni was in the fruit aisle when Heather found her. "Hi. My name's Heather. I'm new to town. Who are you?" She greeted politely. Toni turned around, her eyes big as saucers. "Heather Holsterman? Cheryl's ex best friend?" She asked. The blond nodded. "That's me. And I'm looking for Cheryl. Cheryl Blossom. Have you seen her?" Toni smiled. "Yeah. She's my girlfriend. She's at the salon, getting her nails done. Why do you ask?" The serpent asked. "She was my first love. I've come to take her back since I heard Penelope can't get in the way anymore."
Anger filled the brunette. "She's mine. Back off." She said defensively. "She was mine first and I'm taking her back!" Heather yelled.
Toni drew back her fist and punched Heather square in the jaw. Heather stumbled back, surprised. Then she regained her composure and kicked the serpent in the stomach. Toni fell but quickly got back up. "I. Won't. Let. You. Have. Her." Toni said between punches to the blond's stomach. Heather fell but Toni put her foot on Heather's stomach. "Sorry, Mystery Girl, she's mine." Toni said. Heather grabbed Toni's foot and flipped her onto the ground. Toni got up and tackled her to the floor, throwing punches at Heather's face.
Suddenly, Cheryl walked into the aisle to find the girls fighting. "Heather?" She asked in confusion before pulling Toni off of Heather. "What the hell happened here?" She asked as soon as she pulled the serpent off of the blond.
"She started it!" They both screamed at the same time.
Suddenly, tears came to Toni's eyes. "She said that she was going to take you away from me." Toni choked out. Concern filled Cheryl's eyes. Concern for her girlfriend and ex best friend. "Heather? Is that true?" She asked. Heather nodded. "I thought you still loved me. But I see you've moved on." Heather said. Cheryl hugged her. "Heather, of course I love you. I've always loved you." Toni's heart broke. "But as a friend." Cheryl finished. Toni smiled. "I understand.." Heather said. Cheryl grabbed Toni's hand and pressed a kiss to it. "I'd never leave you." She reassured her.
After getting all the groceries and paying for them, they went home.
The Next Day
Toni was walking through the halls, hand in hand with Cheryl. She couldn't be happier. Cheryl felt the same way. Toni dropped Cheryl off at her class and walked off to hers.
Or tried to. The bulldogs (Yes all of them) blocked her way. "Hey guys." She said nonchalantly. "What's up?" She asked. "You think you're lesbian? One night with me and you'll be begging for more." Reggie said, smirking. The others leered at Toni. Toni didn't like this. She started to back away slowly, stopped by Archie. "Where do you think you're going, snake? We aren't finished with you yet." He said, smirking like Reggie.
Toni stared back at the Bulldogs, wondering what would happen to her. They snuck outside with her, to an alleyway.
"Hold her down." Archie commanded the other guys. They held her arms and legs down so she couldn't escape or grab her phone.
"HELP! Somebody help me! Heeeeeel" She yelled, stopped when slapped by Archie. "Shut the hell up!" He yelled in her face. Toni glared at him. He attacked her neck hungrily, sucking and biting and kissing it. Toni squirmed. Archie punched her lower thigh. "Stop moving, damn it!" He continues to abuse her.
Her phone accidentally called Cheryl. Cheryl picked up the phone. "Hello?" She listened, hearing Archie and Toni. "Toni, where the fuck are you?" She asked angrily. "Centerville alley!" Toni gasped out. "I'm on my way." Cheryl said. "Damn it! You little slut!" Reggie said, earning Toni a gang beating from the Bulldogs. They kicked, punched, and slapped her everywhere. There were bruises all over her and her forehead was bleeding. "You like that, huh?" They teased her.
"GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HER!" Came a voice. Cheryl's voice. She was on... Toni's motorcycle!
The guys all ran, afraid of what Cheryl might do if they didn't.
"Oh my god, baby... what did they do to you?" Toni didn't answer. Cheryl helped Toni into the motorcycle and sped them to the hospital.
Toni got a few broken ribs and a bandage for her head. "When I get out," Toni said to Cheryl, "I'm going to kill the Bulldogs." Cheryl nodded. "Sounds like a plan."
Two weeks later
Riverdale High Hallway
Toni and Cheryl found the Bulldogs, walking to class together. "Hey!" Cheryl yelled. They turned around to face her. "You don't get away that easy. What you did to Toni... is not okay. And I'll make sure you suffer." Cheryl spat. By now, the Bulldogs were cowering in fear. Cheryl and Toni left them there... and went to the Police Station. "We'd like to speak to Sheriff Keller!" Toni rushed out. The desk lady showed the girls to his office. "We'd like to report an attempt at rape and abuse." Cheryl said, walking in.
Toni and Cheryl walked in the school, followed by Sheriff Keller and his men. They found the Bulldogs in the hallway and arrested them. "What the hell is happening here?" Reggie yelled. "You're under arrest! All of you! You have the right to remain silent!" Sheriff Keller said.
With the Bulldogs in jail, Cheryl and Toni were safe... for now.

A/N : You get a double update! Sorry but I think Archie and the Bulldogs are jerks so sorry Bulldog lovers but they're in jail now. Oh well
Love you guys so much! Kisses!

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