Author's note

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I legit had a dream that I was on the Riverdale set for Season Three and I met Dove Cameron! She hugged me and I cried happy tears and I felt her hair and told her it was soft and she gave me an autograph and the same thing happened with Vanessa Morgan and Madelaine Petsch, of course. Then I woke up with a slap to the face from reality. I've never met ANY celebrities! :( Plus I absolutely suck at acting so I don't know what part I'd have if I was on the cast.
My name would sound so weird as a celebrities name. Oh my gawd. If I ever do meet Dove, I'll probably cry. Or freeze. Or choke. On air. I'll just be in shock. Like if Dove were to show up at my house to prank me into thinking she was someone else and then reveal herself. I would most likely be in shock. And cry. And ask her to sign something for me and treasure it forever.
God I wish I could meet those three ladies. So bad.

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