♡♡ four ♡♡

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"Haechan-ah! I'm coming in, clothed or naked!"

Haechan froze in shock when his Johnny hyung waltzed into his room.

"Haechannie, are yo- oh, did I come at a bad time?"

The ginger haired boy just sat there, too shocked to move or process anything. Johnny look at him shock, but his face softened when he noticed Haechan's eyes start to well up with tears and the sheer horror on his face.

"Channie, it's ok. I'm not mad, you look pretty" Johnny cooed gently, shutting the smaller boy's door and walking over towards him slowly and cautiously. He grabbed a tissue and gently offered it to the small boy who couldn't even move his arms, and decided to embrace him instead.

The boy started sobbing, overwhelmed by the emotions the day had brought him. His secret that he tried to hard to protect suddenly became exposed to two of his teammates.


Johnny had managed to calm down Haechan, tell him it was ok and his secret is safe, as well as things like 'your hyungs will think you're beautiful too', 'we love you just the same' and all the nice, truthful words that warmed Haechan up enough to change into his pjs, let Johnny remove his makeup and tuck him into bed.

Haechan told his giant hyung about his secrets, and the elder gave no criticism and just nodded, embracing his dongsaeng with warmth and acceptance. He put the ginger haired boy to sleep, before leaving the room with a "goodnight, princess" and with a loving smile for his little brother etched into his face, made his way back to the 127 dormitory and slept well.


The next morning, practice started nice and early. Haechan was split off to be with his hyungs in NCT 127 to practice their performances of their new japanese album as well as older songs, suddenly giving all the members a burning hatred for the fact that they albums full of songs to rehearse.

Godamn SM and their 'even' content distribution.

Practicing wore out Haechan, but the burning pain in his feet from the intense footwork met disappointment when he thought about the toes he had painted a nice pastel purple a few nights ago would ruined.

Feeling pain all across his small body, he did what he knew could distract him from it all.

Agressively singing and rapping every word to every song they practiced, regardless of who's line it is.

It's not like he gets the lines he needs in 127 anyway.

His quiet singing ended when the first song on their playlist ended, and the second he heard the intro to chain, he got into the position and proceeded to loose his mind.

Some of the members stopped dancing out of sheer confusions when realising there was another voice other than Taeyong's rapping in Japanese, then realising it was Haechan.

Haechan did not even spare a godamn glance at the peasants as he continued to dance and sing despite the burn in his lungs and in his limbs. After all, it is his passion.

Eventually everyone had noticed Haechan popping off during every song, especially Mark. He watched the ginger hair boy sing all the way through Touch, singing "BABY TOUCH ME" at the top of his lungs, making the Canadian boy feel all kinds of things.

Haechan didn't notice the state until Mark's eyes met his in the mirror, and he began to stutter.

God, that boy had him w h i p p e d .


Practice with Dream somehow managed to outdo 127's in terms of dramatic flare added to it. Firstly, Jaemin and Jeno spent the entirety of the practice staring down Renjun, who was sharing smiles and knowing glances through the large mirrors In front of them.

Mark watched them share those glances and felt something in his gut punching him.

'You're not jealous' Mark is thought to himself, 'you're not even gay. Stop being ridiculous!'

Jisung just enjoyed the sounds of his favourite Chinese hyung's laughter while he danced and sang his lines, making him feel more motivated to move to the songs the way he does when he's completely in the zone.


Mark's gut completely disregarded his 'I'm not gay' rant and continued to assault him violently with jealously as he watched the ginger haired boy link arm's with Moomin's side hoe and use him as a human crutch to get to the van.

At some point during chewing gum, Haechan managed to yeet himself off of his hover board and let out a very girly yelp in pain, but before Mark could get to him, Renjun had been there t his side.

Mark knows they're best friends, but why does it feel like in a span of a day, they've become sewn together like two pant legs?

In the heat of his jealousy, Mark did only THE MOST rational thing he could think of. He walked up behind the two small boys and effortlessly swept Haechan off his feet and into bridal style.

Haechan yelped in surprise, blushing when he realised that Mark had picked him up. He looks at him, flustered and wide eyed, making Mark coo at the boy who usually annoyed his Hyungs with his antics, that looked rather innocent and flustered in this situation.

"H-hyung, why'd you pick me up?" Haechan half-yelped and half-asked as Mark sort jumped to make Haechan rest more comfortably in his arms.

"You looked like you were in pain, I didn't want you to hurt yourself more. Plus, you're tired. I'm going to make sure you get to sleep nice and earlier tonight."


Despite his silent protests, Mark carried Haechan into the younger's bedroom, gently placing him on his bed. The boys all showered at SM because it wouldn't been too late to shower at home after the almost slave-like rehearsals they suffered through today.

"Thank you hyungie" Haechan whispered softly , earning a warm smile from Mark. "No problem Channie. You know Hyung will take care of you" he stood up off the edge of the bed, and turned back around to the younger.

"Where are your pjs? I'll grab them for you" Haechan pointed at the white set of drawers at the end of his bed. "The middle one, they're blue. Please don't laugh at my pjs" Haechan whined cutely, suddenly becoming embarrassed when he remembered that hey, at least these ones pass as male pjs.

He had to ask Renjun to sneak his pink ones into the washing.

Mark pulled out the blue pjs and if you could uwu in real life, he just did.

The very short baby blue shorts had little moons on them with a matching, oversized sweatshirt to go with it.

He also noticed something else.

A small, dainty pair of pink laced underwear. His heart wrenched when he realised this was one of two situations.

Either Haechan has a girlfriend,

Or his cute little dongsaeng is a lot more than what meets the eye.

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