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There was a massive pang in my forehead when I woke up. I quickly get up, squinting my eyes along the way to the bathroom. Opening the cabinet, I reach for the migraine relief. I find one and take a pill, swallowing it dry. I learned to do that once I kept going to the hospital when I was younger. 

I discover myself laying back in bed. The pill needs at least, 20 to 30 minutes for it to work. I check my bedside table for the clock, it reading;

6:27 A.M.

I clutch my phone in my hand and log onto Instagram. I scroll through my feed, liking photos of my old friend's back in Malibu.

Gosh, I miss them a lot.

There were tons of pictures of everyone surfing because the waves this time of the year (winter) are massive. The feeling of diving under the wave with your surfboard could have never topped any other feeling.

I look behind me, my surfboard perched up against the wall. I smile, remember all the times with it.

All of a sudden, my phone rings.

No caller I.D.

I pick it up anyway, curious of who it is and who is calling at such a time.


"Is your refrigerator working?" A silly voice questions.

It sounds like a guy.

"Uh, yeah..."

"Oh, well, is your stove working?"


"Is your-"

"If you're going to ask if all my kitchen appliances are working, then yes." I cut them off.

"Is your toilet working?" I can hear his snickering.

"Okay, if I tell you, will you stop screwing with me?" I harshly reply.

"Yes. No. Maybe." He chuckles.

I hang up, smiling because someone had the time to call me. Especially this early.

 A knock is heard from my door and I let them in.

"What do you want for breakfast?" My mother smiles.

"It's okay Mom, you don't have to make my breakfast," I laugh.

"Of course I do! I'm your Mom." 

"And I'm not 10." I say, walking out of my bedroom.

She follows me out to the kitchen.

"But I want t make you breakfast." She makes a pouty face.

"Do we really have to bicker about this?" 

She waves me off and I open the cabinet and take a pop tart before walking back to my room. The bed is slowly dipped as I lie back down. I grab my phone again, scrolling through my Instagram feed.

I check my notifications and see that I have a requested follower. I click on it to see who it is;


The boy from my school.

I slightly smile and accept his request. Then, I simply follow him back.



"Hey Harry," I smile from my locker.

"Hey Liv, is it alright if I call you Liv?"

Nobody Without Her [h.s.] (ON HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now