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The front door flies open.

"Liv! Liv, I've been trying to call you! Don't you ever check your phone? And why are you just standing there?"

"Mom," I look up, "I forgot my phone, sorry."


"I mean, I left it upstairs and I was finishing my homework and I fell asleep and-"

"Okay well, you should at least always have your phone."


"Did you already eat?"


"Oh, I, uh..." 

As fast as I could, I ran up the stairs and into my room. I shut the door behind me, sliding down and sitting on the floor. My hands make their way to my lips, trying to feel if the sensation is still there.

Why did-

"Olivia! You didn't eat the lasagna!" My mother shouts from the kitchen.

Right now, I could care less because I am still shocked from the kiss. I get up to find my journal that should be lying somewhere around my desk. It laid on top of my laptop so I quickly snatched it, along with one of my pencils. I opened it to the next blank page.

9-13-2014, 10:43 P.M.

The most weirdest thing just happened to me.

I only moved to Alderwood about two months ago, and I only met this boy like, four weeks ago.

And he kissed me.

He kissed me.

How unprecedented is that? No one, and I mean no one, has ever kissed me so well like him.

His name was Harry. Harry Styles.

I've never been so confused as of right now. How could he just kiss me so suddenly? I have no idea why I'm making such a big deal about it but, for some good reason, I feel like he's something special to me. Although, we've only met since I first went to Alderwood high...

I finished scribbling in my journal and hid it under my bed. Then, I laid on my bed just thinking for a good ten minutes what was going on today.


"Hi, uh, I'm wondering where I could sign up for the school's soccer team?" I ask the coach shyly.

"There's a sheet on that table over there. What's your name, and what period are you assigned P.E.?" Coach sternly questions as he looks down on his clipboard.

"Olivia White, 5th period."

"Okay White, tryouts are next Tuesday, 4:30 sharp. Be there or you won't make the team." He walks away.


I stroll towards to the table and and write my information on the sheet. Once I'm finished, I make my way over to my locker. We still have five minutes left until homeroom.

"Hey, are you new?" A voice suddenly speaks from behind me.

"Uh, yeah." I turn around to meet blue eyes.

"Hi, I'm Niall Horan." I'm greeted with a hand that I take.

"Hi," I tried to look away.

"So, I heard you and Harry-"

"Did he tell you?" I interrupt.

"About what?"

"Oh, never mind. Uh, I have to get to class."

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