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"What the heck?" I laugh.

"What? I was like, four," Harry giggles.

"Yeah but still, you should be smart enough to not eat freaking lipstick balm."

"Doesn't matter, I had a stomach of steel." He said proudly.

I rolled my eyes and continued to eat my lunch.

It's been two and a half weeks since my first day at school and nothing out of the ordinary has happened. Not like in those super exaggerated, high school movies where it is the first day of school and the girl is being made fun of and then turns completely popular at the end of the movie, in which her spot was earned by 'over-throwing' the brattiest girl in the school.

"Do you want to go somewhere with me after school?" Harry suddenly asks.

"Does it involve water?" I counter.

"No," He laughs, "I was thinking of going to, you know,"


"Movies or something?"

"Movies? Uh, I don't know. I think my parents would allow me to go-"

 "Are your parents always in charge of you?"

"No, but-"

"Then you should totally go." He smiles.

"I mean I would but, I can't. I, uh, I have something to do," I lied.

"Oh really? What do you have to do that's way better than going to the movies?" A smirk is plastered on his face.

"Well it's... It's for... I have something for church." I nod slowly, approving of my lie.

"What church? I might know it," He smirk expands.

I realized that he knows more about this town than I do, and if I make up a church, he'll know right off the bat it doesn't exist.

I sigh in defeat, "I really don't want to go, Harry."

"Oh come on, don't be such a party pooper!" He takes both my my hands into his own.

"Fine." I grumble.

Harry does a little happy dance before emerging in minor laughter.

The bell rings and all the students arise from their seats to walk to class. Harry and I walk side beside to 4th period. Surprisingly, a girl comes to my side.

"Hello, would you like to come to my birthday party this weekend?" Her face appearing with a shiny smile as she hands me a flyer.

"Uh, no thanks. I'm not really into-"

"Harry?" Her hand moves toward Harry.

"Sure. Thanks Linda." Harry smiles and takes the flyer.

Linda turns to me, "are you sure? You're missing out."

"Okay," I oblige.

She hands me another flyer and wears a smug smile before shuffling away.

"I only got one because I didn't want to feel left out." I admit.

"Yeah, but surely enough you will go." Harry nudges me.

"No, last time I went to a party here, I got grounded for two weeks."

"See, that's another thing. You're parents grounded you and you're... How old are you again?" He utters out another laugh.

"If we're in the same grade, then we're the same age."

Nobody Without Her [h.s.] (ON HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now