Chapter 11

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Nothing much came of my argument with Draco Malfoy. He ignored me and I ignored him. Fred, George and I continued to prank and we even got Percy with itching powder. This year we were allowed to go into Hogsmeade and with Zonkos at the tips of our fingers we were unstoppable. Dung bombs in filches office, dr filibusters no heat wet start fireworks in Snape's classroom. We got a weeks worth of detention for that, but it was soot worth it.
The Quidditch team was strong and we won every match until we played Gryffindor. Harry Fucking Potter. Youngest seeker in a century, almost swallowed the god damm snitch - I knew Oliver wood was hiding something. Harry and I ended up in the hospital for a week after that - I got ploughed again! And broke 3 robs and knocked a tooth. But it was fun and one of the closest matches I've played since Charlie left.

Daph had been bitching about some girls in our year at breakfast, on the day of Halloween, when I made my second contact with Draco Malfoy. He swaggered into the great hall and sat down almost next to me. He was talking to Pugface Parkinson about a 'duel' he had set up in the trophy room.
"- believe Potter and Weasley didn't get fought out of bed by filch. It is such a shame that the weasel isn't in detention and as for potty" He Humphed and started to load his plate with food. I looked at Daph, her face was scared. "Please Immy, just let it be. He's a first year what harm can he do?"
"Did you hear him?" I asked "He called Ron a Fucking Weasel!" My voice grew louder and several people turned to look at me.
"Just let it be" She said and tried to pull me away from the table.
"Just let me hex him" I begged, "I just learned a new one that turned your hair into slime"  she laughed but continued to to pull me away. "Okay, okay I won't hex him, but give a sec okay?" She nodded and said "I'll meet you in the entrance hall then we can go to Hogsmeade?"
"Yeah, I just want to talk to Ronald" I made the last word a call and hurried over to where ron sat with Harry and Fred and George.
"Brothers" I said "and Harry"
"Sister" Fred replied.
"What do we owe this pleasure?" George asked
"Well you see Forge, ickle Ronniekins here has been wandering the halls of Hogwarts at night. And we can't have that can we Imed?"
"Of course not Frimogen" Fred said as George turned to Ron.
"What would Mother say? Ron" He asked
"Oh she would have a heart attack" Fred said.
"Or spontaneously combust" I said. "Now Harry, I don't want you following in Ron's bad ways so you make sure to stay tucked up in your bed at night Okay" I continued as Frad and George nodded. Ron spluttered,
"But it was his idea!"
"Oh shush Ron" I said and turned to Fred and George. "I need the map"
"The What" Ron asked
"Mind your own business" George snapped and Fred asked me
"There is someone I want to spy on, called Ron a Weasel, so I'm gonna hex him." They both nodded and George handed a faded piece of parchment. "Thanks guys" I said and walked away, shouting over my shoulder "be good boys"
Daph and Addy where waiting for me when I got into the entrance hall.
"What took so long?" Addy asked
"Had to get this" I said and held up the map.
"What a mouldy old piece of parchment?" He asked.
"No you idiot" I said and pulled them into the broom closet. "You can't tell anyone about this okay? Fred, George and I nicked it off of Filch in first year. I solemnly swear that I am up to no good" and tapped the map with my wand. Alimony instantly, lines appeared on the parchment and a map of Hogwarts appeared marking each and every person in castle on it.
"Messers Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs are proud to present the Marauders Map?" Daph said,
Making it a question,
"What's a Marauders map?" Addy asked.
"There is only one and it is a highly detailed map of Hogwarts" I said. "Look There we are" and pointed to three labelled dots - Imogen Weasley, Daphne Greengrass and Adrian Pucey.
"That's freaky" Addy said but I ignored him. I was looking for a particular dot. Draco Malfoy.
"There" I said "in the owlery"
"Draco Malfoy" I said, my tone indicating that it should have been obvious. "I'm going to prank him so fucking good" they groaned in unison  and walked out of the cupboard. "Hey, guys! Wait up!" I yelled and ran after them whispering a quick 'Mischief Managed' as I went.

A/N - Hey I guys I know it's been a while and this chapter is really short but I wanted you to have something.

It's like midnight but here you go and this chapters didn't go the way I planned, I was gonna to the troll and have Immy freak out the next day and make Ron go to the hospital wing and stuff but oh well.

Don't for get to vote and comment, love you guys ~Emzzy.

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