Chapter 1 - In the beginning.

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The cold yellow sun seeped through my translucent curtains. I watched the rays swim through my room until my eyes flicked to my door which creaked open. Stood there , a little girl with long blonde hair which flowed over her shoulders. Her large jade eyes beamed as she smiled so widely.

I kicked my doona off and sat up in my bed. I rubbed my eye as I grumbled "Good morning Juniper."

She ran from the door and jumped onto my bed before crawling into my arms.

"Good Morning Rory." She mumbled into my chest. I kissed her hair as she pulled away.

"Jackson told me to come get you." She told me as I yawned.

"Did he now ?" I asked as I swung my legs around and stood up. I watched as Juniper jumped off and grabbed my hand.

"Daddy's waiting for us." She informed me.

As she dragged me along I began to think. My dad wasn't usually around for things like breakfast. He was a busy man with a time consuming job. But it was worth it , he earned pretty good money.

We made it to the dining room to find my twin brother , Jackson , and surprisingly , my Mother was sitting that the table , toast sitting on a plate in front both.

I let go of Juniper's hand as I turned to lean on the counter , watching my Dad place two slices of bread in the toaster before buttering two more slices of toast , which were plates in front of him.

My dad looked up and smiled "Ah , good morning Miss Rory."

I rolled my eyes and smiled "Morning dad." I stood there for awhile before asking "Is it a day off ?"

"Yeah." He answered. "So I thought I'd make you kids and Mum some breakfast." He smiled. I smiled in return before thanking him for his act of kindness.

I turned to find my mum , kissing Jackson's cheek and turning to kiss Juniper's cheek.

I watched her leave the table and literally glide over to me. Her curly flaxen hair was pinned back. Her dark blue eyes glistened when she smiled. She was wearing red glossy heels , black business pants and a white shirt.

"My coat's at the lab." She told my dad as she held out her hands and grabbed my face before she gently pulled my cheek up to her lips and kissed it tenderly.

"I'll see you later." She told me and I smiled , nodding my head.

She then hugged me dad and kissed him too before collecting her keys and saving goodbye to everyone.

As my Mum left , my Dad handed me a plate with toast and ushered me to the table , where we ate in silence.


I led Juniper into my pale yellow car , watching her buckle herself up , I waited for Jackson. I closed Juniper's door and leaned against it. What was taking him so long ? Eventually, Jackson cam running out , shoving a pink lunchbox into my hands and walking around to the passenger side.

"Juniper's forgot her lunch." He raised his eyebrows as he opened the door and jumped in and I did the same.

I passed Juniper her lunch box and stuck the key in the ignition.

"You forgot your lunchbox Juni." I told her.

"Thank you." She giggled. I looked back , backing out of the driveway and said "Don't thank me , thank Jackson."

"Thank you , Jackson." She sung out.

"You're very welcome Miss Juniper." He smiled at her.

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