Page 4 - Boy.

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I stand up slowly before the boy in front me , my eyes followed his torso , up to his neck and to his eyes.

My eyes flicker to the bloody axe that sits in his hands.

He notices that I stare at his weapon and says "Oh. Is this what scared you ?"

I turn to face him again , him seeming slightly concerned.

"You didn't scare me." I correct , lying a little.

"And I like your axe." I add. "It's creative."

He smirks , but I couldn't tell you why.

"Is ... is someone else under there ?" He asks.

I look down at Juniper , not knowing whether to tell him. But I can't see that he already knows.

I slowly nod.

"Our older brother's getting more food , then we're getting the hell outta here." I inform.

"That might be a little difficult." He says , rubbing his neck.

"Some of the creatures are awake ?" I whisper and he simply nods his head.

"Shit." I whisper as I pull my gun from my pocket.

I jump the desk and the boy just watches me , deciding to stay with the random little girl under the desk.

I run through the aisles , slightly shaking , desperately searching for him.

I find Jackson and run to him.

The bag of tins is full , and I pull his jacket.

"What's going on ?!" He asks.

"We need to leave now." I tell him , causing us to sprint out.

I go back to the boy who stayed with Juniper and I tell her to come out from under the desk.

Juniper comes out and Jackson lifts her up and begins to run , tins in one arm , Juniper in the other.

"Lets go Junie." I hear Jackson utter as the run.

I pull my knife from my pocket and the boy lifts his axe.

"Get ready to run." He tells me , and I simply nod , as we run , praying we don't run into any creatures.

As we run for a couple of minutes through the large mall , we soon discover that god has not heard our preys as a small cloud of creatures find us.

The boy lifts his axe and slices ones head clean from its shoulders , kicking it onto the next one and swinging the axe so the blunt end hit another next to him.

I slash ones throats and turn to stab another in the chest , raising my leg and kicking it off of my blade.

I turn and punch one several times , smashing its fragile skull.

The only annoying thing was that I couldn't set off my gun as it would attract others.

We had killed the cloud of 6 before running.

To not get left behind by the boy , I reached out and grabbed his hand.

I felt him begin to retract his hand , which panicked me. But he stopped and let me hold onto his hand.

I wave of relief washed over me as we ran through the mall.

As we run the boy breathes out "Parker Michelle."

I puff "What ?"

"That's my name." He yells as we reach the large glass doors and exit.

I stop in my tracks , just outside the door and take in a couple of deep breaths before smiling weakly.

"Aurora Waters." I tell him. "Rory for short."

He smiles "nice."

I look around the car park and find our car.

I begin to run to the car , Jackson waving his hand out of the window.

I stop , realising that Parker wasn't following me.

I turn to him and shout. "Are you coming with us ?"

He stands still. He opens his mouth but nothing comes out. I can tell he is hesitant.

Much more nicely , I ask "have you got anyone to go to ?"

He stands still and slowly shakes his head solemnly as he turns to face the ground.

I nod my head and think before blurting out "would you like to ?"

He whips his head up and thinks about my proposition.

I watch him make a mental decision as wind begins to tear through my hair.

And , strangely to my surprise , Parker came running up to me.

I smile as we walk to the car together.

Although we were complete strangers , we need to trust each other, because we could be some of the only people left in the world.

We get in the car , Juniper sitting in the front , next to Jackson , who was driving.

"Who's this ?" Jackson asks , studying Parker through the review mirror.

"Parker Michelle." I tell him.

Jackson's blue eyes pierce through Parker's skull as he growls quietly "Two named basis , I see."

I glare at Jackson and turn to find Parker ceased up , very awkwardly and nervously cornering himself into the car door.

Me , being the devil I am , placed a comforting hand on his knee.

His eyes flicked from my hand on his knee to my eyes.

"It's ok." I say. "He's not as scary as he seems."

I leave my hand a little longer before removing it and placing it between my knees , along with the other.


Once we had gotten home and told my Dad of how we found Parker , he just continued to stare at him.

"So , you helped get my daughter." He started , pointing at me who just sat and listened

"Out of a mall , helped her kill some creatures , and now you're here." He said. "With us ?"

"Yes sir." Parker says.

"He had no one to go to." I tell.

"So you brought a stranger to our house ?" My Dad asked.

"We need to come together and help anyone we can. We aren't living normal lives anymore."

"We can maybe save them." My dad finishes.

I tell my Dad that I am hopeful that we can survive , but I understood that we won't. But I lied. I lied for my Dad , I lied for Juniper , but I didn't lie to myself. I knew I would eventually suffer and give my life to the apocalypse.

My Dad nods his head in understanding.

"I guess you can stay in Rory's room." He shrugs as he turns back to his many , many papers.

Parker nods his head and I smiled as I flick my head.

"It's upstairs , to the right." I tell him.

He rises from his chair at our table.

"Go. Explore." My Dad tells him as he leaves.

Apocalyptic Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant