Page 7 - Welcome.

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"Shit , shit , shit." Parker sung as he pushed me behind the counter.

"They gotta have something here." I tell him , searching behind the counter. "It's have to have been robbed before."

"Hurry." Parker pleaded.

"They have a bat." I said , pulling it out and gripping it tight.

"Alright , I'll be back." Parker nods vigorously and I simply blink at him , indicating for him to leave. Parker nods again once and runs out the door , just missing a cloud of infected.

The infected make their way into the store as I stand on the tall bench. I take a deep breath and grip the bat so tight I notice my knuckles turn white.

"Let's dance you little shits." I utter before swinging my bat at ones head , cleanly removing his head from his shoulders. I kick one in the face , pushing it back before bashing ones skull in.

While I swung my bat at random I decided to take the risk and jump off the counter. More creatures attempted to swarm around me but were either killed or seriously maimed.

I very slowly made my way to the shattered door before kicking it open and instantly breaking out into a sprint.

I could hear the pitter patter of feet running behind me , the gurgles of the dead became clearer and clearer to my ears. These assholes could run.

As I kept running I suddenly felt a heavy weight on my leg slowing me down , but I didn't look to see what it was , I was so focused on returning to Parker that I didn't have time.

I saw Parker outside the car door and I felt the need to run faster but I couldn't. I was surprised I was still even running.

His tall figure towered over something but I didn't know what.

"Parker !" I shout , but he didn't turn around and , I don't know why , but it made me almost angry. So I shouted at him again. "Michelle !!"

Parker turned around and his soft brown eyes had turned into saucers within a matter of seconds.

Parker pulled out his gun from his pocket and pointed it towards my leg.

"Don't move Rory !" He shouted before shooting the gun.

The small silver bullets flew past my leg and had hit something else. I looked down and found a dead creature gripping my leg. I shook it off and limped towards Parker who lifted me up effortlessly and placed me in the passenger seat of the car.

He got in the drivers seat and the car roared to life , but Parker wasted no time. He raced away from the petrol station but the creatures were quick sprinters and it would be hard to get rid of them by just driving.

I clicked open my glove box and began rummaging through the contents.

Parker's eyes flickered from the road to the box an muttered "what're you doing ?"

"Looking for something." I answered his question.

"For what ?"

"A gun." I murmured.

"Right , so you just have a gun in your glove box ?" He questioned.

"Multiple actually."

He snickered in disbelief before looking into the box and shouting "you have a grenade  in your glove box ?!"

I found my gun and , despite the shooting pain crippling my leg , I began hoist myself out of the window.

"Welcome to the apocalypse , baby." I smirked , now hanging out of the window.

I aim my gun , but not very well. My hair flaps in my face and my eyes burn from the cold air rushing past my face , but I must kill these things.

So I shoot two bullets , missing creatures twice.

"Shit." I murmur as I shoot two more bullets but only hitting one creature. One's better than they say.

"How're you going out there ?!" Parker yells.

"Not too good." I admit back to him as I attempt to aim my gun once more.

"Hold on." Parker says as he begins to turn the car around , burning the rubber of the wheels and creating a screeching sound which stings my ears.

I climb back into the car and growl "what're you doing ?!"

Parker's tongue flicks out of his mouth and licks his lips - which doesn't go unnoticed - and smirks attractively. "You'll see , doll face."

I didn't know how to feel about him calling me doll face , but it strangely made me happy. I smiled at him before turning my head to find him racing towards the creatures.

"Parker , I --" I couldn't finish my sentence , because bride I knew it , Parker had rammed four creatures with our car , squishing them in the way down.

"Get out the window !" He shouts and I , again , lean out of the window with my gun - which didn't leave my hand - and begin to shoot the remaining three , killing them instantaneously.

I sit back inside the car and Parker stops it. Our car sits in the middle of the damaged road as we stare our at the cracked tar and the faded yellow lines and take multiple deep breaths.

"That could've been a disaster." He tells me after a little while , still staring at the red stop sign on a bent pole. I slowly nod my head in agreement. "Yes."

Parker grabs the leather wheel and runs his hand along it before huffing.

"We should head home." He tells me , looking down at me.

I turn my head to face him and utter "please ?" While smiling nicely.

He smiles reassuringly before starting on the accelerator again - not stressing it - and begins to head home.

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