Page 5 - Parker Michelle.

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Over the past couple of weeks , I had learnt much of Parker Michelle and had grown quite a liking towards him.

We had had many late night conversations , driven to put petrol in my car , shared few cigarettes.

One time we shared a bottle of vodka , and he was there to hold my hair as I vomited the next morning.

I had learnt many things about Parker that not many might know.

I had learnt that he was 19 years old , his favourite colour was violet , his favourite show was (embarrassingly) 'Neighbours' , he loved coffee , although he disliked tea , he loves soccer , despite his allergy for seafood , he loved prawns , and , one time when he was drunk , told me of his deep desire to one day be a father to a little girl named River.

I liked the fact that I had known these little random facts about Parker.


We sat on my balcony , the wind blew , graciously moulding past our bodies.

It was the beginning of our Friday night ritual we started 5 weeks ago.

We would sit on my balcony at 5 o'clock and watch as creatures stumbled around on the streets.

At about 5:30 , he'd pull out a cigarette and lit it before asking if I wanted to share , and I would agree.

We would talk about our week and reminisce of the past events.

At about 6 , he'd start to talk of his family , which always interested me.

He had told me about his mother , Annalise Michelle , who sounded like a sweet lady who ran her own bakery. He had told me of one time when he had pushed her into their pool , only for her to get out and chase him around , pushing him into the pull before jumping in herself.

His other mother , Katelyn Michelle , who wasn't as comedic as Annalise , but just as kind. She had worked for an insurance company , but was let go only mere days before the apocalypse. Once , Katelyn gave him a wedgie and he's always held a grudge against her for it.

And , his younger brother , Oliver Michelle , who was Parker's favourite person on earth.

He often told me that I reminded him of Oliver , and I often asked why. Every time he responded the same;

"Your messy brown hair and the way that you talk."

This explanation always confused me but I never questioned it.

"So tell me about your mother." Parker spoke as he released a puff of smoke from his pink lips.

My eyes rose from my black painted toes to his sparkling caramel eyes.

"What ? Why ?" I ask.

"Well." He started. "I always talk about my family and you just sit and listen."

"That's because I like listening to your stories." I tell him.

Parker smiles before replying "Now it's my turn to listen."

"Uh" I mumble as I wonder where to begin.

"Her names was Lucy Athena Waters." I start. I look at the ground , thinking of anything I could tell Parker about my Mum.

"Was ?" He questions.

I nod simply , trying to avoid eye contact with him.

I brush a small portion of my hair behind my ear and clear my throat.

"She was , a - uh." I stutter slightly and swallow the lump that was forming ing my throat.

"A scientist."

I feel his eyes piercing my skin. I don't know whether it is judgment , confusion or sympathy.

After a small while Parker says "your mum didn't kill those people." As he tosses his head to the creatures that grumble quietly and crawl along the streets.

I shake my head and say "but she helped."

"It's not her fault." He reassures.

"You don't understand Parker." I informed as I whip my head up to find I'm watching me , seemingly concerned.

"We've read the diaries." I start. "She did help create the chemical to add to the gene."

Park just shook his head. "Don't blame her."

"But your family could be dead because of her." I tell him , beginning to tear up.

"Oh no , Aurora don't ever say that. Ever."

I quickly wiped my eyes , hoping to change the subject.

"What did she like ?" He asked me.

I smiled slightly as I began to list my mothers old hobbies.

"She loved to paint." I started. Parker smiled as I had spoke so fondly of my memories.

I ended up telling him of times my Mother would paint me fairies and write songs to sing on her little yellow ukulele.

"She sounds like she was a nice person." Parker said.

I nodded "she was."

"How about a tinny ?" He asks , getting up from the seat and walking to my bed to get a beer from my bag.

He gets it out and cracks it open , taking a mouthful before handing it to me.

"Thanks." I murmur as frothy and tangy liquid lines my lips and swims into my mouth.

Parker shrugs as he grins cheekily , which got me grinning.

"What ?" I giggle.

"Wanna go for a ride ?" He asks , smirking ... it was a little sexy , I'm not gonna lie.

"Why ?" I ask , placing the beer on the floor next to me.

"Wanna get some snacks to fuel our Friday night ?" He asks.

"Are we going to be drunk or sober ?" I ask cheekily.

"Who knows." He says dramatically.

"Ok." I say , cocking my head.

I slowly reach out my hand to Parker. "Help me up Park ?" I ask , batting my eyelashes.

He rolls his eyes and grips my hand "of course."

"Thanks." I smile as I turn to leave my room for my jacket.

"Coming ?" I say , leaning on my door frame , noticing that Parker was watching me leave.

"Yeah." He answers , making his way over to me.

"Well let's go." I laugh , grabbing his forearm and pulling him down the stairs.

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