Page 9 - You're joking.

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After Parker and I kissed , we didn't speak about it again but became naturally closer. But it got me thinking.

Did Parker regret kissing me ?

I wouldn't blame him if he did. I'm just an average teenage girl , listening to music in her room , jumping around , sometimes smoking a quick cigarette & a tin of Jack Daniels. But maybe he didn't want to get too attached to someone in a situation like our. One , in which our lives were at stake.


I sat on my bed with a cigarette in my hand and a book in the other. I was alone and I was enjoying being alone. Unbothered.

I was reading the Fault In Our Stars for the first time in years.

Why ? I didn't know. I was never really one to read romance novels , but it was making me feel warm and happy inside , as if it was a cold winters day and my Father had made me a hot cup of tea.

I bring the cigarette up to my lips and inhale the toxins within the thin paper , and huff it out.

"Good morning , you steam train." A tired voice said.

I look up and raise my eyebrows.  "How did you ?"

"I'm a sly guy , Rory." He tells me.

I squint at him and state "I thought you went out."

"I did" he reassures me "but I'm back now."

"Well , thank you captain obvious." I roll my eyes.

Parker sits on a white chair in the corner of my room , now playing with an old rubix cube.

I tap my smoke and ash falls to the ash tray sat beside me.

"Anything to tell ?" I ask as I resume to my book.

"Your dad wants to go." He tells.

I shoot my eyes up and feel my heart drop.

"You're joking ?" I question as I slowly fold the corner to my book.

"No , not at all." He confirms.

I close my book and drop it onto my bed and squish the cigarette in the ash tray. I hop off my bed and start to head down the stairs to my father.

"You aren't going out." I tell him.

"What ??" He asked.

"You can't go to the science lab , it's like a 3 hour drive." I state.

"And ?" Dad questions.

"Mum didn't even work at that lab." I mentioned.

"They still have information , Rory !" He exclaims.

"What do you need it for though ?" I ask. "Why do you need so much ?"

"I need to find a --"

"A cure ?" I say. "That's near impossible !" I shout.

"You don't know that." My dad states.

"We can't help those people." I yell. "They're dead - goners - zombies."

"We need to try !" He starts to raise his voice.

"There's no point !" I retaliate. "This is our life now , get with it."

"Don't be so rude." Dad shouts sternly.

I spit in return "pull your head out of your ass."

My dad stares at me , as if he wants me to cower under his powerful stare but he knows that I'm too proud to do so.

My dad's face softens - only in the slightest - and he very strongly says "I'm going whether you like it or not."

My brows are knitted together and I cross my arms as I run my tongue over my teeth. I'm beyond annoyed.

We stand in silence. I don't know what to do as my dad turns away and I come up with an offer he can't refuse. I hope.

"If you're going , all three of us are coming with you."

I turn my eyes to Juniper , who colours her drawings in on the kitchen bench.

I study my dad's face as I wait for an answer.

He takes a deep , sharp breath in through his nose before stubbornly answering "fine."

I nod my head to my dad before he turns around.

I turn my head to find Juniper at the bench , staring and dad as she holds a pencil in one hand and a piece of paper under her elbow.

I then turn my whole body to find Jackson sitting on the bottom stair , his arms are crossed and his expression appears to be brooding but I stand my ground. I puckered my lips and raise an eyebrow in question before lifting my gaze and finding Parker at the top of the stairs , who nods and I nod in return.

"I want to be leaving my tomorrow morning at most." Dad yells as I continue to stare at Parker.

I avert my gaze from him and look a Jackson before grumbling "pack your shit up , we don't have all day."

I push past Jackson on the stairs , who hisses as I do so , and I head up to my room , making sure to drag Parker along.

He stands up as I pass him. I grab his wrist and I lead him to my bedroom and slam the door.

"This is nuts." I admit , clutching my temples.

"Why wouldn't you let him go alone ?" Parker asked.

"What ?" I question. "You expect me to let him go and leave me alone to look after Jackson , Junie and you ?"

"You don't have to look after me." He whispered.

"Yes I do Parker." I tell him.

He speaks up more now as he states. "Rory , I'm 19."

I sharply sniff I study Parker.

"You could be 34 and I'd still look after you."

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