Chapter 2 - Heading out.

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Within 2 hours , our car was fully packed with our stuff and we were heading out.

I sat in the back seat of our car , Jackson and Dad in the front , Parker and j sat in the back with Juniper jammed between us.

Jackson huffs as he flicks through the old newspaper that he always read when he was bored. I noticed that he hadn't read it in awhile , but it was out again today. As my Dad drove , he muttered curses and dumb arguments under his breath that no one wanted to hear while he eyes me through the rear view mirror.

It hurt that my Dad didn't understand my reasonings but it didn't matter. He gave into my proposal and that's the most I could ask for in a moment like this. But just as much as my Dad's cold gaze stung , I could feel Parker watching me too.

I also didn't understand why Parker had felt the need to eye me. Was it because I was rude ? Well , in that case , I didn't mean to yell. I tended to say things that I never really meant , but felt right in the moments they were uttered.

After awhile , I couldn't bare his eyes burning into the side of my face , so I turned my own eyes to look at him , acknowledging that I knew he was staring at me. But my unmistakable angry pout and icy eyes didn't throw him off. He held a finger to his pink lips , his chocolate eyes seemed warm and caring , not angry -like I'd thought they'd be. His long lashes curtained the warm colour and his matching chocolate coloured hair fell in his face , but he didn't care to push it out of the way like he normally would of. It just sat there , and bounced as the car did.

I blinked a few times before looking away , now feeling bad for seeming mad towards his stare. I unfolded my arms and placed my hands in my lap and looked at the floor.

"What's wrong ?" Juniper whispered as she tapped my thigh. I lifted my head endorse sharply inhaling cool air and turning my face towards her.

"Nothing." I answer shortly. "I'm fine."

"Ok." She says and rests her head against my arms and I didn't complain. It didn't bother me. It felt good to have a little sister that didn't have a care in the world , whether she was surviving through the apocalypse or not , she'd never understand her bravery.

"Daddy." Juniper asks gingerly. My Dad's gaze averts from mine to Juniper's as he says "yes , Junie ?"

Juniper rubs her eyes as she asks "can we please listen to some music ?"

My Dad huffs at her question. "I don't think that'd be possible , June."

Juniper nods her head , a sad expression takes over her as I pet her head. I remove my hands from my lap and tap my thigh , just as she had done.

"Lay down." I tell her and she moves awkwardly so she can lay him my lap. "Go to sleep , the trip will be over soon." I lie.

I pet her long blonde hair and she rubs her face against my jeaned thigh , in an attempt to get more comfortable. And while I played with her hair , I turned to face Parker again , who had moved his fingers from his lips and balled his fist to balance his head on. He smiled kindly and I smiled back.

"He'll get over it soon" Parker mouths to me as his eyes dart towards the front , meaning my Dad. All I do is nod in response , because there's not much I can say. But I do know my Dad , and he wouldn't get over it. No , he'd hang this above my head.

He did this , every argument we have , whether it was over literal spilt milk or dating. It was low , especially for a man of his age and maturity , but I'd given up. I didn't care if if held shit over me anymore , because this proposal that I asked for was to keep him alive. Although I may die , I'd rather die knowing that my family was ok , and that's enough for me to go out with.

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