Chapter 6

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Kartik's POV

We had decided to complete 6 months into the college after which we would shift back to Udaipur. That gave us enough time to stay alone, before finally going back to our roots. Dad was seeing colleges there for her, till then Imperial was good enough and I was her teacher.

Everyone at college knew we were together, and I had given up right to score sheets, as it could have been called cheating. No one was happier than Naira. She said I purposefully gave her a lesser score, and judged her a little harshly.

We went to college together, she finished and went for physiotherapy while I wrapped up my work in college. I picked her up and we came back, and we would nurse her leg a bit, before a light dancing session. She was faring really well, both in college and her dancing.

Today however I had planned a surprise for her. So I had asked her Physiotherapy Instructor to shorten his timing, he was a little miffed, but eventually agreed.

I went there early, and was delighted to see a surprised Naira greeting me.

"You here? This early?" She asked me.

"Because we are going somewhere today." I replied. 

"Wh..whoa?" She exclaimed as I tied a band around her eyes.

"Silence love. We are going somewhere. And no dont ask, its a surprise for you." I told her. I said, putting my fingers over her eyes.

I urged her to walk forwards, and she obliged. I made her settle on the passenger seat, and tucked her seat belt as well. Purposefully breathing very near her. She was getting worked up, but stayed quiet for some reason.

When I started driving, she told me about her day, while I shared mine with her. She was surprised to know that as a trustee I had to look after education as well, she thought it was only about management and funds, which was my primary job yes. But reputation of college is always on students, and by extension the trustees as well.

She was blindfolded, and she hated it. She got really worked up by the time we reached our destination.  It was amusing she could be so restless, when she didn't know what was happening.

I got the blind fold off, as we entered the canopy of trees, which lead to our destination. "Wow. Where are we going?" She asked.

"All in the good time sweetheart. I got that one off only so that you could see this green beauty in the cement jungle of this city." I replied. My friend had told me about this pleasant drive and the forthcoming destination. A small seclusion in the usually rushed city.

I parked at the far off end, as there was risk of main area still being a little populated.

On opening the door I said, "Tujhe Aqsa beach ghuma dun? Aa chalti kya?"

She gave me the biggest smile, "Chacha ki chai pilaoge?"

"Nope. I only have apne pyar ka jaam. Chalegi?" I say, drawing by finger by her cheeks. And she blushed in response.

It's still a pleasure to do that to her. When she just gets affected and pleased by my words. And only I can bring that smile and happiness for her. The elation that gives me, couldn't be compared to anything else ever.

"Come on madame, we are yet to see your surprise." I offered my arm, which she lovingly got hold of, and I walked her to our destined place.

Rolling our pants we walked the shores of Arabian Sea, hand in hand, the winds which touched our feet, the beautiful music of waves, the gentle touch of receding water. A little dazed by what the atmosphere had to offer, looking into the horizon of the setting sun, with her fragrance mixing with the salty smell of water.

"Can we go in a little deeper?" She asked.

"They said it was a little dangerous. Let's just stay here." I replied.

She pouted and said, "Please?"


"Please please please please." She whined.

"Okay okay alright. Enough of blackmail." I replied rolling my eyes upwards.

I got hold of her hand, firmly in mine, loose sand was a dangerous place to be. But her wish was my command.

We entered the deeper waters, the waves hitting us hard, the water leaving something to be desired, I knew we would be very irritated later, because of the sand, but the feeling of air water and her was with it.

I wrapped my hand around her shoulders, while he tucked her head in my arm, still watching the setting sun.

"I love you Jaan." I said, she nodded, and asked, "Why do you say it? It's like every hour I must be reminded of these words, not that I mind. But just curious." She asked.

"Just." I told her. How was I to tell her, that I had stopped believing in those words, that her presence back in my life, brought some meaning to that 4 letter word. It was just fulfilment of responsibility, something that was expected of me, not something that I enjoyed doing.

But it was enough of hiding, I was tired of concealing my every emotion from everyone, "I hated the word. When you left, I couldn't bring myself to believe in those words again. It did nothing good, every memory of that word, just gaped the wounds which were denying to heal." She tightened her hold on me, and I wrapped my hand a little more firmly around her, "So now, you have to listen to me everyday, every minute, every hour. I want to erase those feelings, the fact that I ever had them, and only your love can do it for me."

"I would love to Jaan. I just want you to know, that even in those two years, one thing I never doubted upon was your love." She told me.

"Me too love." I replied. Our only anchor in these two years of hurricane, was a subconscious agreement of love which would never leave us. I hugged her, trying to again assure myself, that miracle had happened yet again, that the only important thing of my life, was back to me, with me, by my side.

As the sun disappeared, we welcomed the change of lives, for the better this time.

"I have something else for you as well. Come with me." I tugged at her hand, when she didn't move, I picked her up, and carried her to next place. She struggled a bit, before settling close to my heart, her home.

Authors notes-

Oopsie. To be continued.

Keep watching the show, even if it's traumatising. Wounds need to be reopened before they can heal.

Keep loving Kaira Shivin and Yrkkh

Happy reading.

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