Chapter 9

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I have been doing exercises to increase my leg strength. The physiotherapists said, I could have danced long back, if I had started this routine back then. Now I had to first make my leg strong as the other one the muscles which gave up over time, have to regain the memory of getting used. And then I can dance.

So each day, them and Kartik hopefully go on with my exercises. Every morning Kartik would make sure to get into the first cycle of the drill and in the afternoon the therapists would note the final cycle of day.

I wasn't allowed to miss any session. The surprise day was one exception to the routine otherwise strictness is all I got. And this morning, mendak isn't allowed to be the strict professor anymore. Heck enough of lecturing now.

"Naira, let's begin. Otherwise I'll be late for your lecture. I have a meeting with Mr.Pinto early this morning." He said. The ever so busy Goenka.

I didn't move, feigning deafness. "Come on. No drama. Get up." He started physically moving me. I sat tighter making it difficult to move, knowing this will make him pick me up. And he fell right into the trap picking me up.

"Why try when you know I'm stronger than you at least physically?" He said, smirking evidently.

"To make you do just that frog prince." I replied and gave him a full kiss on his lips. Surprising him was enough of a distraction for him, and for me to push him to the bed.

He fell on his back, with me on top of him, "Not that I'm complaining, but what's with sudden assault." He said.

"It's not assault my love. It's my right as your wife." I replied. 

"What if I was not interested in fulling my duties?" He said still eyeing my lips, playing with my hair. I knew he was goner. He would do everything I wanted right now. "Then I would fulfil mine love" I replied. Closing the distance between his object of inspection and his lips.

And early in the morning, ditching my physio, I was engaged in better forms of working out. After all it should be fun too right?

He was forced to leave in a while, with Mr. Pintos interference, but not before I got my deal, and he got his, of extra workout during night time lessons of management. "The real physiotherapy workout" he emphasised.

With that we proceeded to the college. People knew what we were, because we didn't want to stay under wraps anymore. I loved him and I wanted for the world to know it.

The students in college were stunned to say in the least, when I decided to tie my hair up, and show the world what I had engraved on back of my neck, as on my heart. They asked questions before, but now they were just used to Public Displays of Affection.

During the break, he pulled me into the library. I pretended to be startled, I mean jot many students would screw with the trustees wife, would they?

"How's you day?" He asked. Pushing my chin  to see him by his finger.

"A little boring, but now that we have a secluded corner only for us, it wouldn't be boring anymore, would it?" I prompted.

"It would depend on what sort of entertainment we are talking about of here" he answered.

"Oh nothing, you know just a little mendak teasing" I say breathing on his lips, "would you mind?"

"If only you don't mind a little sherni teasing." He said, just as close, his breath hot, his lips almost touching mine, his fingers onto my waist, pulling me closer, other hand in my hair, playing with those locks. With that he pressed a small kiss on my lips. But before I could give in to the kiss and deepen my sense of pleasure, he pulled away.

And pulled me to sit in a chair. On the table of there was, a single mehendi cone, probably brought from one of near by stores, a few red rose petals around.

"Shall I?" He asked. Extending his palm towards me. My complaining mode was off. He was asking for something from me, and I kept my hand in his.

He wrote, K on my left hand, and kept on looking at it. So did I, like it was the most intricate and beautiful design. But those were the lines, I didn't dare make on my hands, full two years, afraid was it still a reality.

Joy was filled in my eyes, brimming, only he was the one who said, no more tears, the only reason I was keeping them in. But I saw he was doing the same, when he extended the cone to me, and his hand too. I wrote a N on it and we brought our hands together, probably trying to show the world, that we were together.

A bright smile, and extended palms, we went ahead for rest of the day.

Reaching home, I went through the calendar, trying to figure what was I forgetting. I had this nagging feeling on back of my mind which was saying that I am forgetting something really important.

But I checked everything, and there was no one's birthday or anniversary or any important day which I was missing out on.

And then it struck.

Authors Notes -

I won't write anything here. You guys are free to shout. I did make yall really test patience.

Go ahead shoot!

And while you are at it, do tell me what is it that she is forgetting. Some birthday? Whose?

Keep watching yrkkh, and keep loving shivin and kaira

Happy reading.

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