Chapter 8

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Kartik's PoV

Our night was coming to an end I was getting worried now, she would see our final surprise the whole reason to go out. Would she like it? I was getting nervous. What if she thinks it's too much.

But we still reached home, pretty quickly. When I opened the door, she raised her eyebrow at me, asking what? I just shrugged, and tilted my head to sign her to get in.

We got in, and the room had changed, really changed. They had shifted the sofa, and replaced it with small seaters for both of us, the French Windows had seating beside it. The main wall was completely changed.

Now it had a clock, the numbers were missing, replaced by pictures, there were only hands of the clock. 1 was when we met, 2 was the tashan, 3 was friendship, 4 proposal, 5 marriage proposal, 6 our wedding, 7 8 a few post marriage happy moments, 9 the Greek wedding, 10 when we were alone, 11 the day we accepted each other again.
12 was still empty, rightly so. 

This was the story of time, the play time had with us. 12 was to be the full circle, I would put our wedding picture the way we do it. I didn't remove those 2 years. They were two full years. But when, the remaining pictures were two years, but we were on halt. Our lives didn't move at all in those 2 years. A limbo was defined at no. 10. And no. 11 when it moved again.

The other walls, had pictures of us, some cute, some not. Each precious.

We had hidden away each and everything, we had hidden away our own self, now was the time to express, to live, to laugh, to grow, to love. And this was what the whole home of ours should be about. It had the life, which we were denied for two years.

I was taking it in, when I recalled she was too, I looked at her, she was still at the clock to observe anything else.

"Our time." I whispered in her ear. She was startled, probably lost in her head, unconsciously, she drifted into my arms.

"It's beautiful." She said. Gazing into my eyes, her eyes a little moist, her smile a little small probably trying to take it all in at once, her voice her little shivery.

I caressed her cheek, looking in her eyes, I replied, "You are beautiful."

"I love you Kartik." She said. And my ears believed it. They still at times could hear the words said in past, the horrors of time were still pretty fresh, but I wished, that for both of us, we got over the past sooner rather than later. Our lives had changed, but the basics of kaira had remained, we still loved each other more than anything else in this world. And this time, we wouldn't make the mistake of being overconfident.

"I love you Naira." I replied. Trying to snuggle her close into my arms, trying to hide her from the world so that no one could take her away again, not even herself.

"I'm here Kartik, I won't disappear away. Worse happened, it wouldn't be able to drift us apart again." She tried to assure me. And I tried to assure that to my beating heart. She was always the sherni, fighting the world, I was but a timid frog.

"I know. I know. I love you jaan" I said squeezing her again.

"I know that, but stop it, you'll squeeze my bones now." She said smiling.

"And what's wrong in that. I like to squeeze you." I replied.

"You like stupid things mendak." She said.

"Yea I know. See I fell in love with you. Stupid thing." I replied.

"Haww I'm not stupid." She said. 

"Are too darling. Are too." I laughed and she kicked my leg. Proving she was a sherni. "Ouch" I yelled.

"Exactly." She huffed. And I rolled my eyes, appreciating the psycho I was madly in love with.

She went to the room, probably expecting something there. I followed. She turned back disappointed, "What?" I asked.

"I thought there was a surprise here too!" She crossed her hands while saying this.

"But there is. Only if you see deep in my eyes!" I replied.

"Stop being cheesy Mr.Goenka, and show me my surprise now." She said, tapping her feet, hands crossed. Basically meaning I had taken up all the patience she had, she wanted action and she wanted it now. 

"Just a second." I went to the cupboard and got the carefully wrapped box out.

I opened it to show her the content, and she smiled, once again, I loved to see that curve on her.

I took hers and slipped the ring on her ring finger, she did the same to mine. Only to be engaged to one another.

I kissed her hand, taking it in mine, "May I kiss the bride?" I asked.

She nodded gently, a little shy, though very happy. I kissed her, feeling her again, trying to pour my heart in one act. At the back of each others head, the blue lights were reflecting from our fingers, yet again.

Authors Notes -

Umm. How many people have your guns removed? Don't fire me!!!!!
There is your update. Do comment.

Keep loving Kaira Shivin and yrkkh

Happy reading.

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