Where You Go One A Date

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You went for a long walk in the city while you both talked to each other and bought things for one another. After that you sat in a garden and while you admired the beauty of the different flowers, he was admiring your beauty and was questioning how he was so lucky to have you right then and there in his life.

You get coffee and then you go to the bookstore to buy books for each other.

He takes you on a private boat ride and then you have a marathon of your favorite shows. You both obsess over your favorite ships from the shows. (He went to France with more funds and brought back da ships)

You went to a TMNT marathin in the park and had a mini picnic while cuddling during the movie.

You went to a restaurant wearing the dress that he made you and then you cuddled at his placr until you both fell asleep.

He took you to a fancy French restaurant and bought you anything thst you wanted. He wanted to smother you with his love and affection, which eventually led to him hugging, cuddling, and kissing you while whispering things that he liked about you in your ear. You copied his actions and you guys sat like that until you fell asleep.

You guys did what you love most when you went on your date, taking the dogs for a walk and playing with them while eating your favorite foods.

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