☆Special One-Shot☆

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The most requested one-shot was a Lafayette x reader so I'll try my best to satisfy you readers
           -Modern AU-
           Title: Without You


      A deep haze of rose colored cheeks and fluffy fantasies clouded your thoughts. Long ago you had caught sight of your true feelings for your childhood friend, Lafayette. It only felt like yesterday when you and him would play princess and the valiant knight, you being the damsel in distress and him being your loyal rescuer. Those days happened so long ago that they should be faded; should be forgotten. But you grasped to them strongly, clinging to them in hopes that they meant something to not just you, but to him as well. Along with those certain memories, you both had grown older, each coming in at the age of roughly 22 years old. Both you and Lafayette had matured, physically and mentally, Lafayette seemed to struggle with the last one, having the maturity of a twelve year old boy. Contact between the two of you had, unfortunately, come to a halt. You heard rumors circulating about Lafayette, something about him getting wasted with a group of friends constantly. This didn't bother you as you had had your fair share of getting drunk. The only rumor that irked you was the rumor that Lafayette had been seen flirting with random strangers. He seemed to act untamed, no boundaries or limits. It irritated you that he didn't act that way around you, but you would never, could never, show it. You had always given off the persona of a shy, tender spirit and you wouldn't want to change that over the love for a friend, which you had come to the conclusion was one-sided. It hurt you that you couldn't seem to get over your feelings. You felt helpless not being able to control your blushes whenever you happened to steal a glance at him walking down the sidewalk with confidence. It all seemed hopeless until one fateful day when your newly found friend, Angelica Schuyler, had invited you over to her house that she shared with her sisters. Apparently, she had recently made another new friend and wanted to introduce you.

                  ◇Time Skip◇
      Walking into Angelica's house, more like mansion, sent your anxiety raging through the roof of high ceiling that had a crystal chandelier resting from a woodent beam. Candles were lit, pictures of tranquil environments and scenery were dispersed throughout the large living space. You never would have guessed that you would turn out to have a friend as rich as this. What seemed to be harder to imagine, at the moment at least, was what her other friend would be like. Would they be just like Angelica- rich and kind, yet sassy and stubborn, or would they be ride and arrogant; a mischeivous delinquent? Since you had been so busy wondering these questions, you had failed to notice Angelica introduce you to her other friend. Once you'd realized what had just occured you turned into a spluttering mess of apologies and frantic blabbering, trying to explain yourself and why you hadn't been paying attention. Thankfully, your actions had been dismissed by Angelica. You almost gave a sigh of relief, almost. You looked over to see the friend whose introduction you missed, only to find your childhood friend, Lafayette. Though it shocked you beyond belief, you tried to stay calm on the outside. After your little "incident" you tried to make it a little more normal by sticking your hand out, apologizing, and introducing yourself. He introduced himself too, and things started to seem pretty ok. Angelica  excused herself to prepare snacks for the three of you, but there seemed to be a hint of mischief in her eyes.
        After she had left there was an awkward silence. Random glances were aimed around the room. After awhile of this repetitive cycle Lafayette blurted out "Do you remember me?" At first he seemed startled by his own words, but soon he relaxed into them, waiting for an answer.
       "I'm pretty sure I'd remember the one and only Lafayette, my noble knight in shinging armor." You said, adding a little chuckle in too. He chuckled too, seeming to remember those days. But after a few seconds he seemed to pause, his face only darkened from there.
        "Sorry for losing contact with you. I know that it might be wrong of me to say this, but I've missed you." A faint blush was rising on your skin, and you tried to calm it, but it didn't seem like Lafayette was even looking at you. He was looking down, in what looked to be shame.
         "Hey, it's ok. It's not wrong of you to say that. I've missed you too." With that hope seemed to be fighting its way into his eyes, but then his face darkened again. A small, barely audible, strangled cry came out right before he spoke again.
          "But it is bad to say that I tried to avoid my feelings for you through alcohol and other women. I didn't know how to confront you about it and so I tried to drown in my hopelessness. You made me feel so helpless and weak in the knees. I was basically drowning in your eyes whenever I looked into them. I was a fool to do this and I'm so sorry. And I'm sorry for only telling now, after all these years."
        You didn't know what to feel. First, you were semi-angry that he liked you but avoided you because of it. Second, it sank in and you realized that he liked you, and you were feeling like you were floating on cloud nine. But finally, you realized how distraught and genuinely ashamed he was of himself. That really punctured your heart. So, you got up, marched over to the chair he was sitting on, and gave him the best conforting side hug you could muster. It felt like it was working a little, but you wanted him to know how you felt.
         "For what it's worth, I like you too. I always have. Although you may not have approached your feelings right at first, you told me now, and that's enough." After a few seconds he abruptly stood up, startling you. He faced you, his eyes looking into yours and it looked like he was debating on saying something. But, it also looked like a new wave if confidence washed over him after your little sentiment.
      "I know that all of this is sudden, but I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend, because I don't think that I could live another day without you."


       Apparently, Angelica had been listening and recording your confessions. She marched right in on your hug and started ranting about how she wants to plan the wedding, along with being the godmother. Aside from her explosions of joy, you were in Lafayette's arms, and as long as it was kept that way, that would be enough to satisfy you.

Oooh boy I finally did it. Was it good? I feel like it wasn't. Also, about the characters that have been requested to be added, I'm only going to add them in the new chapters. School is starting again soon and I have projects and an exam I need to worry about. I might do full recaps for them in the future, when my school life is more calm, but for now, I can't. Plus, I got back from California only a few days ago. I'm sorry but that's all I'm going to be able to manage for awhile. Hope to see you all soon. Bye~


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