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I run,

Around the corner,

Past the lockers,

Past the bathrooms,

Then I trip,

And fall,

Their there,

The dragons,

They've caught up,

Now they take my strength,

Making me weaker,

Making me doubt,

Breathing their fire,

And all I can do about it is cry,

They leave for now,

Waiting until we shall meet again,

I get up,

A wounded warrior,

Not able to defend myself,

Not able to fight back,

I get home,

And they ask me what happened to my eye,

I tell them I fell real hard,

They believe me,

I go to my room and cry,

My tears falling like a river,

Not able to stop,

I look at myself,

And cut my wrist,

With the sword,

No one will believe me about the dragons

I lie in bed,

My eyes closing,

Another day,

Lost to the dragons,

Yet in reality,

I am no warrior,

Only a broken girl,

I do not have a sword,

Only a blade,

I do not fight,

Only cry,

They are not dragons

Only humans,

But they are dragons to me,

To me I am a weak warrior,

To me the blade is a sword,

To me I try to fight,

There is no getting rid of the dragons.

I don't really know how I came up with this one, it's kind of confusing but in a way it's a metaphor xo

(COMPLETED) Through The Dark and Out Again: A Book of PoemsWhere stories live. Discover now