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                  You only wanted to hurt her heart, you didn't love her

 You were only using her because she was vulnerable and easy

                 You didn't love her back like she loved you

You were breaking her, but she still went with your lies, hoping you'd change, but you didn't did you? You were like a rose growing in the desert, impossible.

                 You flirted with other girls, when she was giving you all of her loyalty

You told her to shut up when she asked for your honesty and time

                 She loved you like crazy because she needed you, without you she'd be in pieces, but you weren't picking her pieces together, you were scrambling them all over the place

You knew her weakness and her secrets that hurt her, yet you used them against her

                 She'd been through danger, she was scared it would happen again, but you didn't even notice how she flinched when you touched her like she was nothing. 

You caused her to break, you broke her, she was in a million pieces, but you didn't care.

             You think of her right? The vulnerable, shy, quiet, broken girl that you gave fake toxic love to. 

Your one of the reasons why she's gone now. 

(COMPLETED) Through The Dark and Out Again: A Book of PoemsWhere stories live. Discover now