I don't know anymore

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I don't know anymore-

Sometimes I can be so happy,

Laughing and smiling with my friends,

But there are days where I feel so bad,

I feel broken all over again,

But I still smile,

I still laugh,

Even though all I want to do is burst out into tears,

And the weird thing is I can actually be happy,

And forget about pain,

But those are some days,

And others,

I feel miserable,



And just confused,

I don't know if I'm happy or sad,

Or if I'm nice,

I don't know who I am anymore,
I remember I used to be so happy back then,

When I was little and didn't know what was coming for me,

I don't know if I'm going to be happy or broken tomorrow,

I don't know anymore,

And the thing is I'm just empty most of the times,

But if you were to ask me how I felt right now,

I'd tell you I honestly don't know,

I need someone,

I need someone to listen to everything I have to say and understand,

But I'm afraid,

I don't know what they'll think or what they'll say,

But I'll just go along with it,

Until I figure out,

How I really feel,

And who I really am,

But for now,

I just don't know.


(COMPLETED) Through The Dark and Out Again: A Book of PoemsWhere stories live. Discover now