I'm Fine

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I'm Fine-

They all ask "Are You okay?"

I want to tell them that I'm not,

I want to tell them everything,

But I can't because if I do,

They won't understand,

They'll just say everyone is going through something you're not the only one,

And I know that,

But for once I just want to go to someone without feeling afraid to tell them how I feel,

But I can't,

So I say i'm fine and just tired,

When that's a lie,

And they believe that lie,

So many times have I told them im fine,

When really I'm not,

And the saddest part is that they can't tell if i'm lying or not,
So many times have I felt pathetic,

So many times have I felt worthless,

And yet I still say I'm fine,

Because the truth is i'm scared that people will think differently of me,

That they'll say something to make it worse,

So I try my best to hide it,

And say I'm fine,

When really im dying inside,

And yet I look so fine,

But I guess sometimes I am,

But for now I say i'm fine,

It's a lie,

You just got to look closely and you'll see,

That I'm not fine

~Not all people are always fine~

(COMPLETED) Through The Dark and Out Again: A Book of PoemsWhere stories live. Discover now