Happiness and Sadness

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She was made out of tears, hurt, loneliness, and heartbreak

                             He was made out of love, smiles, Joy, and laughter

Together Happiness and Sadness collided as one

                           Sadness felt a bit of love and joy as Happiness took her sadness, 

It was hurting him, he helped her anyways, thinking everything needed to be joyful

                          But then he slowly started to feel sorrow, and the pain sadness felt

One day he had enough, so he stopped helping sadness,

                          Then he saw Chaos, 

Chaos was Daring, Chaotic, Mad, and everything you would see in war, she was un-peaceful 

                        But Happiness fell for her anyways and left Sadness,

Together Happiness and Chaos created the apocalypse,

                         And for sadness? She was left with nothing,

Sadness was made out of tears, hurt, loneliness, and heartbreak all over again, without Happiness her world was no longer joyful or bright

                       So Sadness fled off, into her own little world of sorrow 


Hey guys! This is kind of different from what I usually write but I wanted to step outside of my comfort zone and try something new, have a great day xo

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