👊 Chapter 3: Villain vs Hero 👊

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Autor M. Note: Hey guys its mahh! Here's the soooo awaited chapter!~ ;o; (sorry couldn't update sooner)





>>Your POV, (Y/N) — A couple of days later<<

You are walking to the class, when you sense a presence behind you. You turn around only to see Tokoyami. You smile as you wave at him, and as he sees you he cooly waves back. This make you smile more, but as you look at your watch, you shriek a:" Ahh! We're going to be late, let's go Tokoyami-kun! " You run up to him and takes his wrist saying:" Are you ready? ", you ask him and he looks at you confused as he asks in return:" Uh? Ready for what? (L/N)-san what d-" Without answering him you use your speed-travel to arrive in your class in less than 2 minutes.

Being used to travel like this, its a normal thing for you but not for the one you just brought with you. So as you turn around to see Tokoyami, you can see that he's not feeling really good. And that because he has his two hands on his birdie mouth (a/n-nim: he has teeth right? That's why a "mouth"). At that you realize that he's going to be sick because of you, since you did something that his body is not used to.  Feeling bad you bow in front of him and say your eyes closed:" I-I'm so sorry Tokoyami-kun! Im used to that kind of thing so I didn't realize that you never did this. I was going way too fast for your body, I apologize! ", you say clenching your hands and calling you stupid in your head.

When you look up, it's only to see Dark Shadow patting Tokoyami's back as he throws up rainbows in one of the corners in the back of the class. Nobody seems to notice him being in the corner with a small bucket. 'Uh?? Where's that coming from?', you think slightly confuse. That is when you hear a small & annoying voice murmurs in a kinda creepy tone:" Hey didn't (Y/N)-chan just say that she is used to that kind of things? That she went too fast for Tokoyami's body??~ ", and a as an answer:" Yeah, I wonder what they did..Im kind of jealous! ", says another voice that seems familiar. 'Th-that is...', you think as you turn around in a hurry.

And as you see the scene in front of you, a sign of anger appears on your head as you clench your hands into fists in irritatiom. Mineta is thinking dirtily while talking about it with Denki. You silently walk up behind those dorks and hit them on their heads. At this they turn around  rubbing the back of their heads. As soon as they see it is you with youe arms crossed, Denki gulps while Mineta starts to have a nosebleed. This makes you even irritated as you see him staring at your chest intensely and murmuring to himself like a real pervert:" big boobs, big boobs, big boobs, big boobs, big boobs!~ ", this crossed the limit of your patience as you look down at him clenching your teeth in anger.

Your face becomes so dark that people could almost see thunder behind you. You get closer to Mineta the little pervert and you open your arms knowing your plan will work. He gets excited as he jumps over you, but before he can even touch your chest you put your hands on the sides of his head.
It all happens in less than a second; you electrocute him before he gets what he wants and you live the unconcious little bastard at his desk. After doing that you smile as you turn around and put your hands on your hips walking back up to your desk saying in a happy tone:" The message has been sent! Mouhahaha.~ ", you then laugh "evilly" at the end. Jiro looks at you in a kind of amused shock as you answer her look with:" What I helped him too! He needed to change his thoughts a little.~ ", you answered innocently. After a couple of seconds, Jiro-san starts to laugh as the others join in too.

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