🥊Chapter 4: Villain vs. Heroe 2.0🥊

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Hey guys! Here it as I told you in the chapter 3. ^w^

Now things get more serious as you enter the ring! Lets see how it will end up.~




Kaito Noshima: Pink hair/turquoise eyes - Second God (Molecules control/changer)

Arata Tatsushi: White hair/blue eyes - Light control

Meka Sayato: Brown ginger hair/chocolate eyes - Master of Wood


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As soon as you enter the fight, you can feel that Kaito-kun and Meka-san are thinking of a way to defeat you or/and get the bomb. Then Kaito-kun looks intensely at the door behind you as he tells his comrade:" Meka-san, it should be behind that door since she is in front of it. You go or I go? ", he asks as Arata-kun is approaching to attack. At the last seconds when Arata-kun is about to catch Kaito-kun with his whip of light, the pink haired boy catch the whip with his hand and a mere second later you see the light changing into something else to grow around Arata and stop him in his track. You immediatly react by putting G (ur gollem of elec.) in front of the door to guard it while you "teleport" myself beside Arata to free him.
As soon as you put your hand on the unknown substance, it starts to grow on your hand, onto your arm and on your shoulder.

And as it trapped both of you, Kaito-kun, your enemy, yells to Meka:" Rikka-san run for the door! I will hold them back as long as I can! ", as soon as he says this Rikka runs to the door as her back is now facing you two. From the corner of your eyes you can see Arata starting to stress, but you simply look at him and smile as you activate your electricity making in the process the substance trapping you two burnt into ashes. As soon as you are both free from Kaito's trap, you take Arata's wrist and jump away from Kaito. Now your two backs facing Meka and the door.

>>Meka's POV<<

As I ran for the door, I remember the electric gollem that is guarding the door so I stop. I look at him and I could feel that he's also looking at me. I know that if I go too close it will attack me and it will paralyze me, and like that we would loose the fight. So what I do is that while keeping an eye on the creature I put my hand in the small bag on my left thigh and take out Moku (nickname from Mokuzai 木材= which means wood). I fill Moku with my quirk's energy and throw him in front of me making him appear in all of his glory and that being his 7" size. As soon as he sees the gollem of electricity he understands what he has to do, so he gets in a fighting stance. Moku is not a simple gollem of wood as he is also made of one of the strongest and most elastic wood in the world. With that he starts to walk to the other gollem waiting for it to attack him. And as soon as they start fighting (Y/N) appears in front of me.

>>>Back to you (Y/n)<<<

As you see G and the gollem of wood starting to fight, you let Arata with Kaito and use your flash-travel to appear in front of Meka. She seems really suprised as her eyes widen at the sight of you. You simply smirk really into your villainous character, and say:" Hey Meka-san.~ I will give you a chance to fight me and if you win you can enter without G attacking you.~ Its simple we will only fight body combat instead...It will be easier for you!~ ", she looks at you then at the door and back at you saying:" Okay...Lets do it.", then she says toward her wood-friend while looking at you:" Moku, you know what you have to do. ", you only smile more and whisper:" This will be fun!~ ", as you say this you put yourself in a fighting stance.

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