🥁 Chapter 7: Unpleasant Surprise 🥁

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Autor-nim: Hey guys, now the real action is going to happen! This or the next chapter will be the moment where you will see "dumb" Denki...Let me tell you you didn't think that his quirk did that to him! XD And that in the next part.
Oh and there is also the fact that I'm probably going to change/scrap the heroes's speech, so yeah. 😂
Anyhow, lets go and fight some villain with class 1-A.~


Plus Ultra! ヽ(°◇° )ノ




>>Still Your POV<<<

You were now outside in your costumes in front of the bus which you all are going to take. As the students enter your "new" class rep is there whistling giving information passionately as he's doing his usual arms movements. When your about to enter you stop at Tenya to say:" Thanks for your passionate work class rep.~ ", you say as you pat his shoulder and enter the bus, Sero now right behind you.  But as you enter you hear some things from behind you and a Tenya screaming telling " you guys a practically adult you should not behave like that! ". The next face you see is a proud Denki with a smile plastered on his face. Seeing that you stopped even more confused he asks like nothing happened :" Why did you stop (C/NN)-chan? Lets go. ", you continue to walk up into the bus still confused at to what just happened as Denki ends up putting one of his arms around your shoulders.

>>What actually happened behind you, Denki's POV<<

I was about to enter behind (Y/n) when Sero cuts me and walks in front of me to enter first. I was going to let it slide...until  I see him staring  at (Y/n)'s ass  since she leaned to enter in the bus. I roughly take him by the shoulder irritated and turning him around, holding him by the shirt as I say in a low and angry voice:" Serroo.~ What do you think you were just looking at?!? Don't look at my (Y/n)-chan like that! ", I growl at him. 'ohh how I so wanted to punch him right now, because he knows she's mine...Anyhow not officially but soon enough.~', I think hearing Iida telling us not to do this because blah blah blah... I do not even look at him cause I do not  care about what he said, so I simply stare angrily into Sero's eyes.

I don't care I just want to make him understand that you don't touch or look at my (Y/n) like that...I'm the only one that can do this!

I let go of him and walk in the bus first proud of myself about what I just did. When I look up it is only to see a confused (Y/n) that is looking at me. But I simply shrug it off, because seeing her sweet face calms me down as I say smiling:" Why did you stop (C/NN)-chan?~ Lets go. ", right after that I go up to her and I put my arm around her shoulders. Bringing her with me as I look for a spot to sit down together. In the end we are able to sit closely next to each other in the side seats of the bus. Also ending up sitting next to Mina and Aoyama and in front of Izuku, Tsui, and Kirishima.

>Some time after the bus departed, back to (Y/n)'s POV.<

You're thinking about what you might do as a rescue hero like healing and using your power to transport wounded civilians to the emergency "infirmary" (not like you did to Tokoyami thought xD) when something gets you out of your thoughts. To be clearer, it is an insult that Denki sends toward Bakugo:" You know Bakugo it's surprising that we just met you and that we can already tell that your personality is flaming crap mixed with garbage. ", he says arms crossed. You hold back a chuckle aa you think that he's half right, but that it is still a mean thing to say but before you can say anything Bakuku gets up screaming:" WHAT THE F**K DID YOU JUST SAY LOSER?!? I WILL F**KING MAKE YOU REGRET APPLYING TO THIS SCHOOL! ", he yells getting up with explosions in his hands.

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