📢 Chapter 6: Panick after Lunch 📢

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Author-nim: Hahaha, here is the chapter 6 at lunch when the alarm goes off. Honestly I was going to put it in the chapter 5...But the chapter would've ended up being far too long! Like literally over 4000 words! So I ended up doing it in a different chapter. Anyway, you wont regret the panick since it will bring you closer to the handsome Kaminari Denki! And literally both in distance and in your relationship!~ ;3






>> You arrive at the cafeteria after talking to Izuku about giving his place to Ilda as Class rep...Since you noticed that Izuku was really uncomfortable at being it. <<

You walk into the cafeteria to see it very crowded and you search for the girls to go and sit down with them. As you search for them you notice the boys, so you walk up to them and ask:" Hey guys, would you know where the girls are? I'm trying to find them, but I can't seem to find them in the cafeteria. ", you ask as you look at Kirishima, Sero, Denki, and Bakugo. Sero looks up at you (for once xD) and answers your question:" Oh, hey (Y/n)-chan. Yeah we saw them, but they got out of the cafeteria a few minutes ago. If you didn't eat you ca--", Sero is cut off by Denki saying as he pats the empty sit beside him:" Come and sit with us (C/NN)-chan, you didn't eat yet right?~ ", you chuckles at Denki and sit down saying as you look at Sero:" Sorry about Denki interruping you Sero-kun.~ ", he only chuckles saying it is ok when Kirishima comments:" Hey (Y/n)-chan...You are already apologizing for Denki? Are you guys like a thing?~ ", he asks you with a growing smirk.

At the red haired boy's comment you blush and say:" Wh-What are you ta-talking about!? It's only because Denki interrupted Sero while he was talking, so I'm j-just being polite! ", you say pouting as you feel your cheeks heat up. " Hehe, so why are you stuttering (Y/n)-chan? ", Sero asks amused as you bite your lip and say:" Oh mah! Whatever... ", you mumble as you unwrap the bentõ you made and open the box. You can hear the boys chuckling as Kirishima says:" Hehe you're so easy to tease (Y/n)-chan.~ ", you simply end up smiling as you're happy that they tease you as it means you are getting along well.

You take your chopsticks and with it you take a sushi you made the night before. Denki asks you curiously:" Hey (C/NN)-chan...Why are you eating a bentõ when you could eat Lunch-Rush's food? ", you look at him and say:" Ah, that's because I felt like eating food I cooked...Especially since I do not suck at it. Hehe~ ", after saying that you put the sushi into your mouth. Your cheeks becoming pink as the food tastes so good and you "mmh" in contentment.

When you look at Denki its only to see him staring at your bentõ, you smile and ask:" Want to taste it? Hereee.~ ", you say as you hold up the sushi with your chopsticks waiting for him to take it or simply say 'no thanks'. But Denki does otherwise as he approaches his mouth from the sushi and bites it off of your chopsticks. You blush at this and say:" De-Denki-kun!?? ", he only smile his face showing contentment as he says:" Wo-woah! I understand why you want to eat that! It's so good, you really are a good cook (Y/n)-chan!!~ You are pretty, your nice, you're also a super cook, and you are teasable. You're the definition of a perfect girlfriend!~ ", he says in "heaven".

 You're the definition of a perfect girlfriend!~ ", he says in "heaven"

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