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After hiding for a while, we all stick our heads out of the pot to see the monsters dragging the students away. Shaggy turns to us, "I have a sinking feeling those guys aren't cult members."

"Then what are they?", I ask curious about what they could possibly be and how they were made. Daphne turns to me, "And what do they want with the college students? We need to follow them!"

"Say what?" Shaggy asked.

"So we can defeat the creatures, and save Fred and Velma." Daphne told us. "We can do this." I nod with Daphne agreeing that we need to save our friends.

"That is sort of like my plan," Shaggy told us as I looked at him hoping he had a plan. "Which is: get the heck out of here, and let the creatures eat Fred and Velma!"

"No way! Fred and Velma almost always figured out everything. Now it's our turn, For the first time, they're the damsels in distress, not me." Daphne said before tilting over and falling. I wince at my sisters brutal fall "Help?"

"Timber." Shaggy sighed.


Down at the ritual location where N'Goo and Zarkos were earlier in the evening, the monsters were dragging the unconscious kids into the cave We all stood hidden, watching them disappear.

"Okay, I'm calling for help." Mary Jane pulled out her phone.

"No, I got this. I got this." Daphne told them, but just as she moved, the large circular stone door closed, blocking entrance down inside. "I don't got this." She sighed and sat down, as Mary Jane called for help.

"Hello, sir?" Mary Jane said. "We're on Spooky Island. Our friends had been...uh, kidnapped. We need some help here right away!" Mary Jane nodded,"Uh-uh".

"Okay. We have to meet them at the pier." Mary Jane told the others. "Let's go." I crouched down and ran to the pier leading the others with me.


The next day, I woke up to find myself sleeping using Scooby's stomach as a pillow. I look around for the coast guards since there are none around. I notice the hotel looks perfect and shows no reminders of last night. A beach ball hits Daphne straight in the face causing her to jump up.

"Something messed up is happening on this island," Daphne said as I go wake the others. "What? Is the Coast Guard here?" Shaggy sat up looking around. "Like what happened to the shattered windows and the busted walls?" He asked confused.

"Yo, Red!" A blonde in pigtails called out to them, "Ball!" Daphne looked around, "Huh?" Finding it she tossed it at her. Getting up and dusting the sand off of ourselves, Daph and I helped the rest up. "Let's go."

We leave the beach and begin to get close to the hotel hearing music fill the air, everyone seemed normal like nothing had happened last night. "Does anyone find this strange?" Shaggy asked looking at the people around him confused.

"Okay, we need to split up and find out as much as we can", Daphne said trying to assume the role as a leader looking around.

"Why?" Shaggy and Scooby asked not wanting to split up.

"We need to find Fred and Velma", I tell them with a frown.

Daphne agreed, "I'll go this way." Mary Jane pointed to her right and left. "And we'll go with you." Shaggy tried to follow but Daphne pointed a different direction. "Come on, Scooby." The two left with their heads down. I laugh at them and follow Daphne peeling off my old cover up off so I am now just in shorts and my bikini.

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