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"Okay. We'll use the pulley's to tip over that vat", Fred said as we set up the pulleys and cables in the cave. Daphne and I were fixing the last cable, dressed accordingly when I turned to see Fred who gave me a wink causing me to blush.

"Then, Daphne and Rose will head outside to open the vents and release the disco skull." Velma continued to explain the plan looking at the crystal skull tucked in a corner hidden from sight. "The light will reflect off the skull."

"The creatures will explode, I'll find Scoob, and we like save the world", Shaggy said whispered excitedly.

Then suddenly a loud chant echoed off the walls. "Oh, no. The ritual's beginning." Fred looked around and locked eyes with me. My eyes were filled with worry realizing I did like the blonde leader, "Quick, Shaggy attach this to the vat and hide somewhere safe." Velma said running off.

"All systems go!" Shaggy whispered.

"Mystery Inc. rides again." Fred cheered as he and Velma rode down and caused Shaggy to race up to where Daphne and I were. Suddenly Daphne swung left while my wire snapped causing me to fall.

I fell right into Fred's awaiting arms as hundreds of people came marching in all in colored tribal clothing and mind control. "Quick. Hide the Daemon Ritus." Velma said as the two hid it in bags behind them.

Fred, Velma and I began to dance and try to fit in. Fred and Velma looked like idiots causing me to try to cover my laugh before everyone stops and I quickly try to pose with them. Fred tries to act cool after he realizes everyone stopped dancing.

The people grab us, Fred tries to fight to help me as they drag me to an altar. Emile began to speak as one of his guards took the Daemon Ritus, "Fred. Velma. Welcome to my little End of the World party. I've been waiting a long time for this moment. Thank you for returning the ultimate party favor, the Daemon Ritus. And now behold the sacrifices!"

Suddenly Scooby was placed down next to me and a pincer came down and began sucking out Scooby's protoplasm as everyone watched, "Rhaggy? Rose?"

The pincer then pulled back taking Scooby's protoplasm out with it.

"Hey, look at me," Scooby said as he floated, while Emile places the Daemon Ritus in a chest piece on his suit. "The moment is at hand. Through the Daemon Ritus, I shall absorb the energy source." The pyramid opened up and began to absorb all the protoplasm heads.

"And now, to complete the transformation, I shall absorb the pure ones. Ultimate power shall be mine." Emile said as Scooby looked terrified. The pincer began to suck my protoplasm and brought me into the protoplasmic tornado. I scream in fear of being sucked into Emile.

"Nobody absorbs my pals!" Shaggy jumped on the pincer as N'Goo tried to take control back, Shaggy knocked into Emile causing the Daemon Ritus to close but remain in his chest.

I immediately return to my body and jump up to grab the Daemon Ritus. I see Fred and Velma running towards it as well.

"Hey. Look", Fred said getting my attention he notices a slit on the side of the mask. "A man in a mask." As he pulled it off Emile's mask to revealed a robot.

"We love you, Scooby-Doo." A recording played as the Daemon Ritus was absorbed into the body. "I shall absorb..." The recording skipped around and scratched. "Then the everyone surprise the chest opened. "Puppy Power!!" The voice of Scrappy came from inside the chest.

"Scrappy Cornelius Doo?" Shaggy said confused.

"Correction. The new, improved Scrappy. Because I, Scrappy-Dappy-Doo, have absorbed enough energy to rule the world with my all-powerful army!" Each part of his body began to grow and blow up, "And I've brought you here, puny, pathetic Mystery Inc to witness my moment of triumph. All I need to complete my transformation is Rose and Scooby-Doo."

"Me?" Scooby pointed at himself before pointing at a guy. "Don't you mean Melvin Doo?"

I am quickly pushed behind Freddy who looks like he is ready to give his life for me.

"Seize them!" Scrappy commanded now his full monstrous height walking towards Scooby.

"Take that, pretty boy!" Scrappy threw Fred into the wall causing me to run to his aid. "We gotta tip over the protoplasm vat," Velma said running towards it. "How?" Fred followed right behind her. "The pincer. Come on."

As we tried to get to the vat we encountered a group of college teens trying to stop us. I walked up to them looking back at Fred and Velma giving them time to escape, "I got this" I immediately began to fight all seven monsters all at once as more came. I kicked one while knocking out the other and began to flip over two at the same time kicking a girl in front of me. Eventually, I have twenty students passed out at my feet before more come my way. I nervously look up at the skylight waiting for Daphne. I began to fight them again before I stopped realizing all the protoplasms were returning to their rightful bodies.

"Mystery Inc., this ain't over! Not by a long shot! I'll rock you and sock you... ...and crush you like..." Scrappy shouted holding Scooby in his hand. "Like, dude?" Shaggy poked him with the pincer. "What?" He growled turning around. "You're a bad puppy!" Shaggy used the pincer to get the Daemon Ritus. Causing the protoplasm to dash into the original bodies.

Daphne let the skull fall causing it to let the light reflect around everywhere.

Fred began pushing through teens to try and get to me, "Are you okay? I was so worried."

Fred wrapped his arms around me when he reached down kissing my head. I pushed him away with a flirtatious smile, "Worried about what?" I ask looking at the many teenagers waking up around me.

Fred laughed before guiltily looking down at me, "You are right you can handle yourself."

"We did it." I happily said changing the subject realizing Fred felt bad for what he told me years ago and I don't want to tithes him any longer. Fred laughs loosely wrapping his arms around me once again, "Yes, we did."

Fred gently stroked my cheek, "What?" I blushed under his intense gaze. Fred smiled at me lifting my head and kissing me. I kissed back loving the feeling of our lips moving together. I shyly push him away looking at everyone around us, "Fred!"

He just laughs and pulls me into a hug as I lay my head on his chest. We eventually walk back to the gang and meet up with reporters at the front of the hotel.

"Fred, can you tell us how you solved the case?" Fred moved to the front of the gang. "It all started when I was giving a speech on my new book and" He looked back to the gang to Velma as she looked to the ground. "And I think the Velmster should take it from here."

I smile at Fred as he walks back grabbing my hand and giving it a kiss allowing Velma to take charge,"Through the combined intuitive powers of Mystery Inc... ...we've discovered the real villain is, in fact, Scrappy Cornelius Doo... ...who sadly was corrupted by the power of the Daemon Ritus."

Scrappy cut her off, "Get over it! So I got a little cranky."

"It's no reason to freak out like a jerk and try to kill all of humanity." Shaggy mocked pointing at
Scrappy with one of his hands. "Especially not for two years Scrappy," I added with a frown causing Fred to wrap his arm around my waist knowing I was sad the adorable puppy did all of this for power.

" I would've gotten away with it too, if not for you meddling sons of..." The helicopter door shout stopping the rest of Scrappy's rant. I gasp at Scrappy's crude language.

"Now that Mystery Inc. is back together any comment on the Mud Bog Ghoul who's been terrorizing London?" A reporter asked.

"Whatever the case, Mystery Inc. will be there." Fred looked at the camera before putting his hand in. "Solving mysteries, man" Shaggy added while Velma continued with her hand on top of Shaggy's, "Righting wrongs". Scooby came up, "Rooking for crues" Daphne added her hand in the mix,"kicking butt "."And working together" I finished, as we smiled at each other.

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