°Chapter Three°

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Third pov

After Jungkook attempted to run he ended up falling on his face which Yoongi took pity on and ended up helping his baby up instead of chasing him and taking him to the shower.

Then Jungkook started to get ready to leave, he said goodbye to all the members and grabbed his bags and that led him here...

"Hyung can I cancel? Is it to late to cancel?" Jungkook asked Yoongi as he was standing outside the door holding all his bags about to leave.

Yoongi gave a sad smile he knew how scared his boyfriend was. "No baby you can't cancel.''

"I know." Jungkooks says looking down.

"Hey it's gonna be okay, nothing bad will happen." Yoongi said getting closer to his baby and caressing Jungkooks smooth cheek.

Jungkook looked up and smiled. "Okay let's go I don't wanna be late and leave a bad Impression."

Yoongi smiled his gummy smile proud of the younger and opened the door for him as they left the house and made their way to the car.

Jungkook got in the passenger seat well Yoongi like the gentleman he is grabbed Jungkooks bags and put them in the trunk before making his way to the drivers side and getting In the car.

"Ready kooks?" He asked but received no reply.

The older looked up to see Jungkook starting at the dorm through the window with his hand dramatically placed on the window.

"Taking one last look at the dorm..." Jungkook said being a drama queen causing Yoongi to roll his eyes.

"Stop being so dramatic Aish-your so annoying." Yoongi said starting the car ignoring his boyfriends fake crying.

~time skip~

Yoongi pulled into a empty parking spot and turned off the car not getting out till he got the text from their manager saying the body guards showed up to walk Jungkook.

The latter had wanted to walk his boyfriend to the plan and kiss him goodbye like a good partner would but they also were reminded by Namjoon that, that would most likely give away there relationship and had decided driving him and dropping him off would be the best.

But yoongi sure as hell wasn't gonna leave his boyfriend in the parking lot alone till the body guards got their so he waited in the car with him.

''Hyung? Can you give me people skills?" Jungkook asked worry written all over his face.

Yoongi looked up from his phone unimpressed.

"Are you really asking me that question? Me? Min Yoongi?" The older said making the younger laugh.

"Your not that bad hyung...well hmm okay your right that was dumb you have zero people skills." Jungkook said earning a death glare from the older.

"Hey! I'm not that bad." Yoongi said defensively causing the younger to laugh at his offended hyung.

Yoongi smirked and quickly unbuckled his seat belt and jumped on top of the younger using his small frame as an advantage.

Jungkooks eyes widened as he saw Yoongi pounce on him "Hyu-" before Jungkook coukd finish Yoongi started tickling the younger causing Jungkook to start kicking his legs and laughing to the point where he had tears forming in his doe eyes.

"H-hyung! S-s-stop!" Jungkook said between laughs as the older had no mercy, Yoongi enjoyed to see his boyfriend go from completely stressed out and scared to a cute scrunched up laughing bunny.

The older finally started to stop attacking the younger as he pulled his large hands away from the boys toned stomach.

Jungkook looked up at his hyung who was sitting on his lap well smiling his bunny smile and panting from all the laughing he just did.

"Hyuuung that wa-" once again the older cut the younger off but this time instead of cutting him off with his hands he used his lips.

This kiss unlike the one from earlier today was full of passion and love not lust.

Yoongi slowly moved his lips up and down against the youngers sweat plump lips as the younger responded by kissing back enjoying the feeling of his hyungs moist lips against his.

They could have stayed like that with Jungkooks hands in his hyungs hair and Yoongis hands wrapped around the latter's neck, there lips moving as one. But sadly they needed oxygen so Yoongi pulled away from the loving kiss with his gummy smile present on his face.

"I'm gonna miss you baby." The rapper said holding the youngers cheek in his hand.

"Me too hyung." Jungkook said pressing his cheek closer against the others hand.

As they were looking deeply into each others eyes they heard a knock on this window startling Yoongi to where he jumped and hit his head in the roof of the car.

"Ahh fuck." Yoongi said sliding off the youngers lap.

Jungkook laughed at the older before starting to get out knowing it was the body guards who had knocked.

Before he opened the door he turned back around and tackled the older with a bone crushing hug.

"Bye hyung!" Jungkook said squeezeing the life out if the older.

"Bye kookie stay safe and don't stress they will love you." Yoongi said returning the hug and snuggling his face into the younger fluffy hair and inhaling the sent he would surely miss.

Once they heard another knock Jungkook knew he had to let go of Yoongi and go out.

"I'll pop the trunk okay? I love you bun don't forget to call me." Yoongi said as the younger returned a 'i love you' and exited the car.

~time skip pt2~

It had been thirty minutes since Jungkook had walked away from his hyung and entered the airport full of scream fans alone.

He was already a little nervous since he had never been around so many fans and cameras with only two body guards and no hyungs.

He quickly scuttled over to the private planes entrance following behind the tall muscular body guard.

He let out a sigh of relief when the doors closed and the screaming sounds become muffled as he now followed the guards to the front of the plane... This was it he was on his way film his first show.

Wth it's only been around 3 days and I have 500+ views 😭💜 thanks guys!

Any way please comment and vote thank you!


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